
Would buying alot of sparklers and grinding up the stuff on them be of any use?

by  |  earlier

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im looking to make a type of black powder or flash powder for some home made fireworks. nothing dangerous.

can i get the stuff off of sparklers and put them in my small ball mill?

what is on sparklers? Flash powder?




  1. Try it.  Its got to be pretty cool.

  2. i wouldnt recommend it, if you get even one spark when you scrape the powder off you might end up sporting some nasty flash burns =(

  3. My cousin and I did this to about 40 sparklers when we were younger.  We packed it all LOOSELY in a tissue, put a fuse in it, and lit it off.  It makes an extremely bright flash bomb.  It was completely dark when we did it, and it blinded us for about 2 min.  Cool effect, not really worth the effort though as it took us a long time to break down the sparklers.

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