
Would buying locally made goods and foods help the environment? How?

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Would buying locally made goods and foods help the environment? How?




  1. It would use less gas to move the products. Also produce grown locally and sold at a farmer's market is less likely to have been used harm full fertilizers.

  2. use less gas to move produce

  3. Yes, by reducing the fuel used to truck the goods to market.

    Additionally, done on a larger scale, in theory, there would be smaller/ fewer distribution centers and warehouses needed - so, less energy consumed there as well, not too mention the environmental impact of building, maintaining, and staffing such facilities.

  4. no

    i live in the california desert.

    there is no locally grown food or goods.

    los angeles  took all our water for growing food

  5. I agree with both answers, and I also have to add that buying locally made products would also help keep the money local.  I live in a very small town, just outside of a small city, and I do admit that I go to the small city to get most of what I need because it is too expensive where I live, and sometimes the stores here don't have what I need.  If I didn't have to go so far, I would save money on gas, I would not create so much pollution in the air that I breathe, and I would also have more time to spend with my family instead of travelling so far for the things that I need.

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