
Would clorine hurt my paper cut?

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i'm going swimming tomorrow--inside pool--

and i got a paper cut today.

it's not that bad.i didn't notice that it was cut until the end of the day.

so would clorine make it burn or anything??




  1. no it will actually clean it!!! : )

  2. it actually heals it

  3. Not severely. It may sting a bit at first but the stinging will go away within in a minute.

    You'll be fine : )

  4. no, it should be good by tomorrow.

  5. your cut will heal enough by tomorrow that the chlorine would not be able to go into the cut.

  6. yes, but you'll live.

  7. It would actually be good for it. It will clean it and after it will heal better.

  8. no, it won't be bad. it'll actually kill any bacteria in it... it probably won't sting that bad if any.

  9. The chlorine will make it sting for a minute but it doesn't last long and you'll be fine.

  10. No it wouldn't. Actually, chlorine helps heal most cuts and scrapes. Maybe, by the time you're done swimming, it will be almost healed! Hope I helped!

  11. probably not, papercuts are small.

    if you are worried about it, put on one of those waterproof Band-Aids before swimming.

    but if you dont want to do that you will most likely not even notice.

  12. clorine will actually help the paper cut heal faster. The cut wont burn at all. It may feel very tight, but don't worry it just means it's clean.

  13. i dont think it would

  14. It might sting but you can tough it out!?!

  15. nah chlorine doesnt burn like salt or hydrogen peroxide

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