
Would dealing with bi-polar disorder cause one to?

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not be able to feel love as an emotion? Not be able to even recognise it? I mean passionate love, not love for one's children, for example, but love for one's partner...




  1. I have bipolar disorder and sometimes I am very disconnected from my feelings. I'm sure this isn't the case for everyone but that's my experience. My meds also impair my ability to get sexually aroused at times so that doesn't help either. Talk with your doctor or therapist and see if they can help you understand more.

  2. It is certainly possible, especially during a low point of the mood cycle.  However, if one did not feel attracted to one's partner, even through all of the ups and downs of the disorder, I would suspect that something else is at play.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder.  Take a break from being around the partner so often.  Then, see if you feel differently than before.  If so, you need not be worried; however, if you still lack a sense of affection towards the mate, then it is time to talk with your mate and try to work on bringing back those passionate feelings.  Be tactful, but be truthful.

  3. ummm no absolutely not. Bi polar disorder means exactly what it says its being one extreme or the other...if anything it would cause one to feel more emotional than average...but it would have nothing to do with the inability to feel love... if you truly cannot feel love or recognize it and its not just prehaps that you dont love this particular person,even though you think you should,maybe you should consider seeing a dr. sometimes the inability to recognize emotion or genuinely feel an emotion is associated with a neurological problem,and it could be something very serious.....honestly i would talk to a doctor very soon.

  4. you mean not having love for your children? errrrr. thats not good.

  5. the medications prescribed for bi-polar disorder are emotional 'levelers'.  this will affect the patients ability to feel 'passion', or any other extreme emotion.  when non-medicated bi-polars are on the low end of their swing, all they can feel is anguish, and they have difficulty remembering that there are people in the world that care about them.  

    for a good example of what to expect when in a relationship with someone suffering from this illness, see the movie "Mr. Jones" starring Richard Gere.  

    if you care about someone with this disorder, try to keep them on their medications.   they may not feel like taking it when they're high, but if they don't when they're low, it can kill them.

  6. I have had very long-term issues with mild-depression and found that certain medications prescribed left me feeling bereft of feeling for my partner and children.  Empty and dispassionate. Some drugs also destroyed my libido, something that lead to a large gulf between myself and my partner.

    I can imagine that bi-polar disorder and the treatments involved could leave a person feeling similar, although I cannot talk from direct experience.

    People have different responses to different drugs.  Asking a doctor for support in trying different drugs could be fruitful, although from 2nd hand experience with Bi-polar disorder and the drugs used to treat it, it can be a difficult time for the patient and those around who support them.  

  7. I have had Bi--polar for a long time and yes I do find it hard to show my emotions or even feel them for that matter.

    Even when I want to have a good cry because the depression is getting me down,I can't.

    My partner and I split up due to this illness.

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