
Would doctors prescribe ED prescription pills to a 19 year old if needed?

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I'm only saying because ED is mostly typical for senior males so the doctor might think the 19 year old is lying?




  1. If you stay in the 'system' long enough, asking enough doctors, and have some money, you can get whatever you want.

    If you are actually 19, and really can't get 'up', and you could prove this to a doctor, they would do everything they could to prescribe something that could fix the problem. You would also likely be documented for this very rare problem.  

  2. ED in a 19 year old is astronomically rare. It's usually due to another factor. It depends on what the cause of it is. Low testosterone is one - though that's usually secondary to something else. Uncontrolled bouts of diabetic ketoacidosis when you're younger can ruin erectile function if they're severe enough or frequent enough. The one thing that gets overlooked is this: prolactin secreting tumor. Basically a small tumor, usually on the pituitary that secretes the hormone prolactin. This basically shuts down the male s*x drive completely, and it's one of the more common or frequently overlooked causes of ED in a young person.

    The point is, yes, they would prescribe it, but only after they ruled out other causes, because that sort of dysfunction in a 19 year old can mean something is very seriously wrong.

  3. This is not so rare as some would have you believe.

    Getting your testosterone checked is imperative to determine if you even have the capability to have an erection worth talking about.  If your testosterone levels are up there where they should be then perhaps you might shoot for some levitra or viagra; but until you know the cause ; you should not try to self-medicate.

    Go to an internist or a urologist and you will be glad you did.

    That is what I did and now that I am an old man at least I am a horny old man rather than the laid back cleric of yore.

  4. That only old men can't get it up is not true.  Cialis, Viagra and Levitra will help the symptoms of psychogenic and organic ED.

    Sounds psychogenic.  Anxiety, especially performance anxiety can inhibit erection in a patient of any age.

    Priapism is the worry.  That once you have an intense erection, you lose the anxiety and your 19 year old physiology adds with the drug and you can't get it to go down.  Thats why you are advised to go to the ER for a hard-on killing shot if the erection lasts without interuption for 4 hours.  Also hypotension could potentially be fatal.  Never use with "Rush" or other nitrites or nitrates.

    Go to your doc and be straight with him.  If he isn't a total loser, he will listen to your heart, take your bp and write the scrip.

    They are used to guys embarassment and will make it easy on you.  Doctors think it is totally stupid to be embarassed by ED as it happens sometime to nearly every man, young and old.  Obviously with age it becomes more likely.

  5. They will prescribe if needed. But if ypu don't need a medical insurance coverage there are many places on Internet where you can buy ED pills over counter (see here for example )

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