
Would doing 5 sets of push ups, each one until muscle failure help with punching power?

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Would doing 5 sets of push ups, each one until muscle failure help with punching power?




  1. No. Push-ups don't really add strength. Anytime you would like to add power, you need to be doing about 3-6 sets of 3-6 reps. It won't add size but it'll focus on power. So you need to use free weights. Since most people can do lots of push-ups, they are ineffective in add power. Push-ups are better for muscle conditioning and "looking better".


  3. Yes.

    Hope this long and indigenous answer helped,



  4. Push-ups are okay ways to build, but you need to have a routine that works everything. A strong core is what makes punching power better. Th arms are not what gives a punch power.

  5. Power comes from a strong core, "your waist" but push ups are good overall but they really don't give you that punching power I think your speaking of so try working on turning your punches.

    Think of a baseball player when he rotates his body as he swings a bat, its his core that gives him that power, Its that turn of the waist that helps build power "however" any exercise you do is good so good luck.

    (Note:) inside fighting is more arm punching so strong shoulders are required but pushups do help for boxing period.. so? I guess then YES to your question?

  6. yes this will certainly help but it isn't the best way to go about gaining strength. go to and use the daily workouts on days when you aren't training in boxing. train hard as much as you can but always make room for a resting day or two so your muscles can rejuvenate.

    true power for your punches comes from the proper technique of pivoting your foot and twisting your hips.

  7. wouldn't hurt

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