
Would doing 800 crunches everyday do anything? would i lose fat?

by Guest63775  |  earlier

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what other excersises could i do to help get rid of fat?

would drinking nothing but water all day help too?




  1. Target training will not work.  It never has and never will.  You need to train your whole body in order to get good results, along with a sensible diet.  You do not have to spend hours in the gym.  Check out my blog to see what I do.

  2. 800 crunches are a lot of exercising ! .. for only the stomach area .. you need to train the other parts of your body ..

    visit this blog ... you'll find some different exercises and tips ... and some food information ..

    every thing there you can do at home .. and it is free .. and you don't have to get anything out from your house ...

    good luck

  3. You won't do much more than build rock hard abs below the layer of fat that you have (assuming you have one).  You need cardiovascular exercises to burn off excess body fat.  You can do crunches until your head falls off, but with a high body fat %, you'll never get to show them off.

    Cutting your body fat % gives you the "cut" look that people go for.  You see the most definition.

  4. Hey

    Nope Crunches don't help u lose fat.  If you really want to lose this fat and keep it off then you should be doing a combination of weights and cardio.  I combined these using the Your six pack quest routine.  It really helped me on my way.  There was 24/7 coaching, videos, book, meal plan, bodyweight workouts, cardio workouts and a virtual trainer.  I couldn't believe how much I got.  It was so unbeliveable I want to buy it again.  I've even got my family on this program and it's working for them too.  I found it at .  This site also has some good free info.  Also some downloadable reports.

    Good luck with the fat loss.  Don't give up.. you'll get there.

  5. you r gonna hurt yourself i say start off slow then do more crunches

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