
Would doing pushups and situps help me get faster?

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I'm 14 years old; I run track and cross country; I am currently not doing pushups or situps; My 5k time is 18:24, my two mile is 10:35, and my mile is 4:42.

If I do pushups and situps during the off-season will I get faster or does it not even matter?




  1. it'll help you big time, through it your body's strength can increase. your body will be more healthy. your agility track might be sustainable whenever you try to run extra mile a way.

    also try to eat veges., and fruits.

  2. yeah both play a pretty big part in races, some people may not think so for the push ups but it helps especially if you ever have gotten shouulder cramps cause push ups help you build muscle in the shoulder area, also any type of ab workout is great because if you have strong abs then you run more efficiently

  3. i run track you cant rely on pushups or sits up to make you better ride a bike play around have fun run but i wouldnt do pushups or situps because they just dont have anything to do with endurance more running builds endurance which leads to runnin faster and not getting tired to shave 10 to 20 secs of the mile

  4. absolutly. running isn't all about legs its about your upper body as well and how it coordinates with your legs. many olympic  distance runners do a variety of aerobic excerises becuase it provides more health, strength, and coordination. stay eating healthy. just so you know  pure water is one of the most healthy substances out there it is very good for you drink lots. i hope my answer helped now go out and set a new world record

  5. I really don't think that pushups will help, but strengthening your core with situps might help out (maybe with stability).  Read this and see if it helps:

  6. puch-ups and sit-ups works the upper part of uir body and u need a lot of mucsle if you want to run well. It will help a ,lot

  7. Push-ups don't hurt, but they aren't the going to make you faster. Faster implies leg speed. Sit-ups will not increase leg speed. Proper speed work will develop your natural potential, though — and no one goes faster then their potential.

    Yes, some weight training is warranted for distance running. When I was running in college we lifted three times a week and that circuit training workout included incline board sit-ups.

    A miler can be a little heavier muscled than a 5K or 10K man, but that's because a lot of milers are more on the sprint side. Many have really good leg speed and try to slow the race down to win on the last straight-away. These guys want a slower race so they can win. You, however, want a better PR.

    My advice for you over the summer is to put on more miles. My favorite high school workout was hilly out and back 10-mile run. My goal was to finish that in 1 hour.

    The way to improve your mile time is to run a smarter, more efficient race. If you want to break 4:40, then you need to determine your goal and work toward that goal. Lets say you want to run 4:20 by the time you are a senior. First let's break 4:40. To do that, you have to average better than 70-second laps. Okay. Then run 68-second laps. Your targets are 1:08, 2:16, 3:24 and 4:32 — that's what I ran as a senior, but it's 10 seconds below your current PR. Ten seconds is a huge drop.

    But you see how you get there? You get there by running an efficient race. You are not likely capable of running a 4:20 mile yet, so don't let me see you coming around your first lap in 65 seconds. Better stick to 70 seconds for the first two laps, and then put down a 68 on your third lap and finish in 71. Now you've run a 3:39. Trim a second off each lap and you're at 4:35.

    A smarter race is going to make the difference. Sit-ups and push-ups? I doubt it.

    Oh, by the way, 4:42 at 14 is great! I was at 4:57 that year.

  8. i was gonna answer your question..but your times are so beastly i forgot what i was going to say. gotta give you props

  9. dude you are good...what state are you in?

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