
Would everyone agree that Australia needs a Bill of Rights to protect our basic needs and political rights?

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In the past and today Australian beliefs and Australians have been betrayed by numerous governments. This has led to losses in Working rights, a inadequate health system and Australians struggling against rising inflation and housing costs.

All of these problems threaten our future. Where is a system protected by law that will protect our future? There is no such system. The Consitution of Australia is invalid as it states that we are a colony to the British Empire while it states nothing about education, health, housing, work or political rights?

Given past performances we cannot depend on our politicians, so it is clear that a Bill of Rights is needed.

This Bill of Rights will cover individual rights, rights of the government, rights to free and proper healthcare, rights to free education regardless of the level, a right to housing and working rights. This would not restrict rights in the future but act as a base.

As Australians this is our best protection of our future




  1. h**l YES!!!

  2. I think Australia could do with having some culture. Let's face it, Oz ain't exactly the cultural capital of the world. Where are all the great artists, writers and thinkers? They're probably too busy with the barbies..................

  3. Our political system has been defined by the constitution. It is in no way invalid, it is just not a bill of rights. I was told in my studies of the Australian Government that we follow the Proclamation of Basic Human Rights set down by the United Nations. How can you criticise our health system? At least the poor can get health care here. I know there are faults, like waiting periods and things, but as a nurse, let me tell you, there are far worse places to be in regards to health care than here in Australia. A Bill of Rights isn't going to cure greed, inflation, homelessness, vandalism, violence or any of the other things you seem to think it will.  Sorry, but I felt I needed to tell my viewpoint.

  4. Morrissey you havent a clue mate.

    Ok Australia is a little lacking with artists... Pro Hart was good in his early years but got slack later... HOWEVER....

    For think tanks Australia has done alright, Hills hoist and rotory Mower and bush fridge to name a few.

    We may not have all the old buildings as England but as a new nation I recon Australia is doing pretty well... Dont forget just how recent we have COME to the table before you write us off...


    Yes its because our nation is born of peace not war that Ironically its people are not protected... go figure....

  5. Hey, if you want a bill of rights, come to America, where the damned thing doesn't matter anyway.

    I'll trade you locations any day.

    Clearly having a bill of rights is about as useful as not having one. You have more rights than we do on a lot of things.

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