
Would global warming or climate change occur even if we weren't living on Earth?...?

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Ive been brought up being told that humans are the only reason as to why the world climate is changing and that humans are to blame and if we didn't exist the world would be normal... but i was taught at school that the world is slowly and naturally getting warmer anyway... so even if global warming is doing anything it is just speeding up the process of the world becoming warmer or sumthin along those lines... so the world would have got warmer with green house gases and climate change whether we live on earth or not :|...

is it something to do with our universe expanding or getting smaller? I was told that our planet is slowly moving towards the sun? is that true? will our planet eventually move so close to the sun that it will not be able to support life?

soo many questions i wish to kno.. :/

any ideas? : D




  1. Generally speaking of course without humans on Earth the planet's climate would change, as it did before humans existed.

    However, without humans on Earth the planet's temperature would not be changing by any significant amount right now.

    Climate change on Earth has nothing to do with the expansion of the universe, and no it's not true that the Earth is moving toward the sun.

  2. The Earth does what it does, and the weather would do what it does if humans weren't around.  There is nothing wrong with the weather, it does what it does.  We're the ones that put huge communities in an area called "Tornado Alley" or build in Flood Plains and get surprised when a weather event makes these areas live up to their name, then we blame it all on man and "global warming" because no one's ever seen rain like this before.  It's unusual," we're told.  Not really.  Years ago a hurricane could blast through several thousand square miles and no one would be around to see it.

  3. no climate change is a naturally occurring process.  Global warming would have still occurred but at a much slower pace than if we had never existed, but it still would have occured

  4. Climate changes have been happening on earth for billions of years since the creation of the planet.  This goes back before there was any life, not just people.  We have had warm periods, and ice ages and people had nothing to do with them because we were not here.

  5. Climate change is a natural occurrence.  It has happened may times in the past before humans were on the planet.  The last ice age was a world wide climate event that had nothing to do with human activity.  Back in the 1970s politicians wanted people to believe that we were going to cause the next ice age.  Don't get too caught up in political agendas.  I agree we need to find alternative sources of energy to help the planet stay clean, also due to cost, etc.  But global warming is a lost cause.  It is questionable that it is caused by humans at all, plus if we were to try and prevent "man made" global warming, who is going to dictate to all other countries what to do as far as energy consumption...good luck with that one.

  6. yep

  7. Yes

  8. i guess. everything changes and dies off.

  9. No, the IPCC clearly voted (64 "Aye" to 26 "Nay", with 10 members too intoxicated to vote) in favor of a constant preindustrial global mean temperature of 58F over the last 4 billion years.  The "Ayes" have it!!

  10. Without us it would tak e longer.

  11. If humans weren't here than the earth would still have global warming but definitely not as much that humans cause

  12. i wish for you to experience the answers for yourself, but that doesn't mean i know how i know you won't?

    A lot of contributions or inhabitants of this world are responsible, inhibitors like humans, the desolation of 14 degrees of forestation counting from the northern to southern hemisphere the liquidation of the oceans from fishing and being dishonest with our true unnaturally territorial selves maiming animals and wildlife?

    The incapability to share life, inability to remain still, the constant ebb of our flow, against each other eddying an unnatural wake, uncomfortable, to explain the sun will reduce this planet to the most sustainable level of life again unless we are it!

    The universe is reflective of our attitude in it, on it, for it!

    consider its unwillingness to change an you will realise what chaotic part you took from it by existing forging its mal-centering!

    Life must go on, though at either spectrum Venus and her eternal symbiosis or Mars and his conscious facetiousness!

  13. The climate changes.  That is the norm.  Those that suggest it doesn't are ignorant of science.  We currently are in an interglacial period of an Ice Age and the temperature is unusually warm relative to the last couple of million years.  Every 100,000 years or so, we enter into a new period of glaciation.  The last period of glaciation was 10,000 years ago or so and since then, we have warmed considerably and glaciers retreated.  The Great Lakes are remnant features from the retreat of continental glaciers.  Since then it has been warming and cooling based on various factors.  Humans have added some CO2 to the atmosphere but this is unlikely to have affected the temperature beyond a half degree.  Alarmists often make dire predictions of catastrophe but these are more often based on emotion and politics than science.  Climate is based on more than CO2 concentrations.  If you listen to Alarmists, you might get the impression that CO2 is a driving force in climate.  It has not been and there is no good reason to assume that it will be in the future.

  14. Earth's climate patterns are cyclical--it is constantly going back and forth between warmer and cooler periods.  (Think ice age vs. dinosaur times.)  Global warming or climate change theory are based on the assumption that human activities are causing the earth to warm at a much faster rate than it would naturally due to the greenhouse gases that we have been putting into the air.  This is viewed as a problem because it would s***w up a lot of ecosystems and exacerbate the water scarcity problems that we already have around the globe.

    The earth's climate cycles are unrelated to our distance from the Sun.  The only time we'll need to worry about getting too close to the Sun is when it begins dying and swells into a red giant, engulfing the inner planets.  Don't worry too much, though, because that won't happen for millions of years.

  15. At this point of time in the planets history, if humans did not exist the current warming would not be happening. But other climate changes have occurred in the past (from non-human related factors) and will assuredly occur in the future.

  16. well if humans didnt inhabit the earth then global warming will take a lot longer we're destroying the earth with things like nucleur powerstations and cars and i seriously doubt elephants would be able to invent a ferrari:p so yeah i reckon we're to blame

  17. Assuming the world's naturally warming is fine it probably is, but that has nothing to do with our impact on that change.

    Are we making it happen faster or will the end result be greater is the question.

    To answer that we would need a mirror world with no people on it to compare. Unfortunately we haven't got one, so no matter how clever our scientists are they are still guessing.

    Probability is we are effecting global warming through pollution, but probability isn't proof :0)

  18. The Earth warming and cooling is a natural process,the greatest producer of CO2 is the sea,you can't tax that though,the earth was warming and cooling long before we were here and will do a long time after we're extinct.The earth has been cooling for the last 6years but no-one bangs on about that and as far as i am aware they are still cutting down trees by the square kilometre EVERY DAY.

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