
Would going from a 10.5 degree golf driver down to a different 10 degree driver be much of a differnce or no?

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Would going from a 10.5 degree golf driver down to a different 10 degree driver be much of a differnce or no?




  1. IF the only difference were the half degree of face angle then you probably would never notice the difference.  But, when you go to a different driver you may also have a different center of gravity in the club, CG may be moved further backward or forward, the MOI may be different and the club be more or less forgiving, a deeper face or overall larger face which changes the size of the sweet spot, etc.

    You may also have a different shaft.  It could have a different flex, flex point or kick point, different torsional stiffness, etc.

    Overall the club could be a different length or have a different swing weight.

    All of these things can cause the club to play different than the one you currently have.  Make sure you can test hit the club at a range or have access to a swing analyzer to see what the overall difference will be.

    I know you asked a simple question but the answer is not that simple.

  2. No, but as it gets lower in degree you would notice that you will slice and hook the ball worse. The more lofted the club is the less it directly contacts the ball and the more that it just slides under it, giving it backspin. That why it is hard to curve the ball much with a wedge. If you hit the ball really high with the 10 and a half then you should go to a lower degree like 8.5 or nine. But if you slice or hook the ball alot then you might even go up to a 11 or 11.5 to get more control.

  3. Maybe if you were a pro. But not for most of us.

  4. The difference in loft would not be an issue.  The difference in drivers would be a bigger difference.

  5. 1/2 of a degree.  If you have a very consistent swing that repeats time after time, you will see you ball flight a little lower all the time.  If you are inconsistent like most of us, you won't notice much difference at all.  But since you are talking about a different brand and loft, since the weight distribution may be a lot different you could see a big difference in the way you hit the ball.

  6. It would be indecypherable the difference. Your truly talking about half of 1 degree on a face that you only hit a tiny part of. Depending on what your looking for drop to at least a 9, or use your 3 wood.

  7. It wouldn't be much difference at all.  I have hit a 10 degree driver before and I have hit a 10.5 degree driver and I didn't notice any difference.

  8. You will not actually notice the difference by watching the ball.  You might find it slightly easier to hit with though.

    If you are looking for more distance make sure you know what shaft type you like best before changing your driver.

  9. As a half a degree goes, the answer is no.  But some companies build the heads differently for degrees ending in .0 and .5.  The differences being face angle, closed or not closed.

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