
Would going into psychology and majoring in that be more beneficial than singing and majoring in music???

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the way i look at singing is eventually becoming a teacher which i really love to teach. i have scholarship potential in music but nothing scholarship related in psych. i love psych. also and am a great problem solver. just looking for some genuine input. i will be a sophmore in college and a senior in highschool this year. (college/highschool program)




  1. Well in my opinion, if it is money that you are looking for, then Music is definitely not the way to go. The road is long and difficult, and unless you know the right people, it is hard to get hooked up. As for a career in teaching music, that could work out well. A good choir director or something of the sort is almost always provides good job security.

    Now psychology, I'm not to sure. I do know that many people attempt to major in it, but find it to be a "fruitless journey" in the end. If it is something you enjoy though, there is always a possibility of becoming successful later on down the road with enough ambition.

    Once again, this is only my opinion, but, I'm assuming that's what you were after.  =)

  2. ok, i go to central washington university.. and there are a lot of music majors. that is an extremely competitive field. I personally think there are waaayyyy too many people going into it. however, psych is great. there are so many different carreers you can perue with that degree. i almost switched to it myself. overall, i think it will be easier to find a job with a psych degree, not to mention it pays way better.

  3. You can try to double major.  If you can find enough scholarships for music programs you can pay for a double major or a minor in psychology.

    But you say you want to become a teacher.  Regardless of major you can get plenty of scholarships just because you want to be a teacher.  I know, I got a few.

    Psychology major and Recent graduate :)

  4. I think you should go with whatever you want to be. I think you have more potential in psychology. Especially if you really enjoy it and want to help people. I think what you should do is Major in psychology and Minor in music. :)

    Good luck

  5. I'm a music ed major. My 1st semester of Fresh. year I had 11 music classes and 3 general ones. You have no breathing room or party time. My 1st classes started at 8Am got out of my last at 7:30 PM

  6. It will be easier to find employment with a psych degree rather than music.

    Both have the ability to provide enjoyable work.  In both jobs you are helping people.

    It comes down to which one you like best.

    Have you ever thought of a double major?

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