
Would gravy be kosher?

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I realize that sausage gravy wouldn't be for obvious reasons. I'm talking about Beef gravy or any other gravy made from meat stock. How would you make it kosher and taste good?




  1. If you are purchasing it, they do sell kosher gravies.  Just look at the packaging.

    If you are making it yourself.  Make sure that the meat stock is kosher and that all of your other ingredients are either kosher meat or parve.

  2. I think gravy is kosher

  3. Try using corn starch to thicken the gravy (I use that with my asian sauces)...otherwise, you can buy kosher gravy mixes.

    I hope it comes out!  Good luck

  4. I wonder why a non-Jew would be interested in making kosher gravy.  But "why" is another matter.

    In any event, the mater is a bit complicated.  Not only must all the ingredients be kosher, but the implements must be kosher also and not have come into contact with non-kosher food.

    And milk products must not come into contact with meat products.

    That is what you need to know in a nutshell about making kosher gravy.  Regarding making it taste good, just use a good recipe.  There is also the matter of bishul akum, but that is for another time.


  5. If the meat is kosher, the gravy will be too.

    You can use a milk substitute and/or corn starch to thicken the mixture.

  6. All of the utensils and dishes must also be kosher.  Use new plastic and paper.  Then you have to have supervision to ensure it's done correctly if you are not Jewish, find a Rabbi. Then don't put this meat substance on any dairy substance (like mashed potatoes with butter in it.) Don't cook on Shabbat. If you can do all that then sure it will be kosher.  Even not kosher food tastes good it feeds the body but kosher food feeds the neshama (soul.)  Good luck.
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