The plant grows very fast (which means efficient photosynthesis changing lots of CO2 to O2).
Plus the plant is in high demand, you could grow many fields of it and still not have surpluses.
I think that legalizing weed and finding an energy source that comes from a plant is the best solution (since emissions from that energy source will be offset by the growing of it, for example if you grow corn it takes CO2 and makes it into O2, but when u use that corn as ethanol it combusts to produce CO2 so the net emission is really low- and all the weed growing would take us back to homeostasis).
I think this is cheap and could be implemented sooner than anything else and plus its a renewable source of energy...
is this a good idea? or what else could we do? keep your answers realistic, it has to be cheaper than gas and environmental friendly and mass producable and it can't be a source that will run out