
Would growing weed help slow down global warming?

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The plant grows very fast (which means efficient photosynthesis changing lots of CO2 to O2).

Plus the plant is in high demand, you could grow many fields of it and still not have surpluses.

I think that legalizing weed and finding an energy source that comes from a plant is the best solution (since emissions from that energy source will be offset by the growing of it, for example if you grow corn it takes CO2 and makes it into O2, but when u use that corn as ethanol it combusts to produce CO2 so the net emission is really low- and all the weed growing would take us back to homeostasis).

I think this is cheap and could be implemented sooner than anything else and plus its a renewable source of energy...

is this a good idea? or what else could we do? keep your answers realistic, it has to be cheaper than gas and environmental friendly and mass producable and it can't be a source that will run out




  1. thats a wounderful idea however the government won't allow it to happen because of the druggies and that they want to hurt the united states and foke up the world!^^

  2. Yes because it would distort your perception of time.

  3. Actually a great idea except for the smoking part, which is not very bright, but then again those who smoke the stuff usually are not. Makes the best and least polluting diesel fuel in the world and is what diesels were originally designed to run on. Makes much better rope than you ever could with plastic of any kind plus as you said it takes Co2 out of the air uses the carbon and puts good oxygen back in the air. Does not need good land to grow on so does not interfere with food crops at all.

    Problem oil companies are not going to like losing the diesel fuel business or the plastic rope business and they throw around a whole lot more weight than the tobacco companies. It was the oil companies’ that got the growing of it made illegal back in the 30s to get the diesel fuel business.

  4. hi

  5. Answers like yours reinforce my idea that most "global warming" believers are stoned most of the day.  After all, the junk makes people paranoid.

  6. It would at least keep Al Gores son occupied to where he would quit spreading his lies about Global Warming. Weed helps Hybrid Toyota cars run faster too!

  7. we wish ,and if the whole world was stoned,we would not have wars ,think of the carbon footprints that will save  and everyone would stay at home (more footprints saved) however we would eat a lot more chocolate,(the production of this would add some footprints)

    but weed has big corporate enemies

    namely the oil Companies and Dupont .

    the people who today oppose hemp used to be the biggest producers.

    Because hemp also makes fiber for clothes that is cheaper and superior to synthetic material which comes from the petroleum business

    these are owned by the people who are behind the Law makers

    and they do not want competition that will easily overrule their own products ,

    The money involved is billions.

    That is why Marijuana consistently ,even in the light of favorable research ,continues to be outlawed,and despite countless analysis and appeals to just about every president since

    But it will not become legal especially the fiber plant

    which is no good for smoking any way

    today Marijuana fiber is making a come back in Europe and Africa and produce designer pantaloons and shirts for very high prices because the quality is superior than linen.

    these fiber plants do not produce drugs to speak of and are worthless for the drug market .it is the fiber that is the value.

    and organically speaking it is an excellent plant to recuperate tired soils ,after cattle and corn field have practically destroyed the land,because the plant is deep rooted grows on most altitudes,and breaks open or loosens compacted soils as well as secreting nitrogen.

    .the stalks can also be converted in to building material such as blocks

    the plant has medical value ,for asthma and neurotic complaints

    makes paper, clothes and oil .

    even bio fuel;...;...;...

  8. I didn't read the whole thing, I have never done weed or any other drugs because they are illegal, If weed is legalized I wont try it but hip hip hurray for all the other people who do, if some how you find a alternate energy source from mary J then go for it I am all up for lower gas prices

  9. I'd agree with templar, but have to see that as a good thing.   After chilling on the couch and eating all the food in the house, who wants to go out and mow the lawn or do any other activity that needs to use power of any type?

  10. In a pot smokers perfect world you bet. But in the real world....after harvesting, rollin it up and tokin it'll be far less enthused to continue to do any thing else in the way of serious activity, much less prevention of global warming,  and you'll just have the munchies. Which unless you plan to eat natural organic foods...which I have yet to see any  of my pot head friends do while might as well increase the coal fired plants because the artificial food production is going to sky rocket and they are going to need the energy out put to keep up.  

  11. no.

    it's an annual.

    all the carbon goes back into CO2 when it decays.

    as for the rest, maybe the political section.

  12. It would slow down your brain and then you would stay in your home not carrying at all about global climate

  13. It's a great idea, in all respects. The large tobacco companies will never allow it though, because it will destroy their industry.

  14. Interesting answers to be sure, but you haven't addressed the problem that MJ produces more heat while growing. That is how authorities can spot fields of it from the air with a higher infrared profile than normal vegitation. Now if that increased heat is significant enough to the benefits, I do'nt know, since no one's probably done a study on it. but it is a factor.

    On the other hand, s***w the Global Wamring about the fact that most medicines that are FDA approved and adversized today cause worse side effects than they are designed to help ?

    Why has our governemnt gone out of their way to make what use to be a legal substance...albeit decades ago....and outlaw it to the very sick people that need it for pain and nausea ? With few if any side effects to really speak of adverse to society ?

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