
Would halfing what you eat lose weight?

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First off im not looking for ANY other diet info, just the question i asked :) ... basically im not fat and everyone says im pretty slim, but recently ive been starting to fill out a bit around my thighs. I know I eat to much and do eat unhealthyly. But I also make my own veg. soups and pasta sauces etc.. so its almost a balance i guess..

would halfing portion size make my lose any weight?




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  2. Yes.  Muriel Spark, the author who died recently, was a chubby young woman.  But in her twenties, she slimmed down, and journalists were always asking her how she did that.

    "I just ate half of everything I used to eat" she always replied  "At parties I had one glass of wine, not two, I ate half a sandwich where I used to eat the whole thing, half a piece of cake, etc.  I just got used to eating 50% of what I had eaten before and I've never been fat since"

  3. really it depends, not eating enough will actually put your body into survival mode and store fat, try eating 500 kcal less than what is standard for your age group so if your 18 its 2000 - 500 eat 1500 kcal

  4. In theory, yes it would because you are taking in less calories. But if you really want to slim down your thighs cut out the junk food and do some excercises to tone them i.e. cycling or rollerblading.

  5. yes because you would be effectively eating half the calories. however, i'd also drink plenty of water and eat fruit and veg and exercise. you can't just rely on halfing portions to help you lose weight though because you need to burn it off.

  6. it wouldn't be much help takin half off everythin if ya don't exercise anyway..

  7. Yes

  8. Yes it would, because you are halfing your calorie intake. But this is perhaps not the best way if you want to lose weight. Its not just how much you eat- its what you eat too. Veg soups are healthy, but try not to load up on pasta carbs. Instead, eat lean meat, fish, plenty of veg and low fat yoghurt. Eat your carbs (such as brown bread or low sugar, high fibre cereal) in the morning instead of in the evening. This means you won't feel bloated or heavy in the morning. Snack on fruit and plain popcorn. Exercise 2-3 times a week for at least an hour in the gym if you can find the time. Your calorie intake should be around 1200-1500 calories if you want to lose weight. If you really crave your pasta, or something sweet, you are allowed it on your "cheat day" which is one day a week when you are allowed something you really like, just as long as you don't overdo it! And you can only have your cheat day if you have been good on your diet the rest of the time. Many celebrities such as Lauren Conrad follow the "cheat day" diet.  

  9. Cutting your food intake in half would make you lose weight, but it might also make your metabolism slow down making it more difficult to keep the weight off once you return to your usual diet.  

  10. Good that you make your food from scartch this way by the way. Less food = less calories consumed = less weight. if you drop below 1500 calories and you arne't overweight your body will go into starvation mode and you won't lose at it will cling onto what you have. So the answer is: It depends if halving your meals leaves you with 1500 calories.

  11. yes it would the thing with losing weight is that u need to eat less and burn more calories than what u are putting into ur body.

    hope this helps.

  12. Ya if u half out wat u eat u WILL lose weight but b careful aftr a wile ur tummy will b used 2 THAT new quantity of food nd if u go back 2 normal u will gain the weight u lost if not more ,,,,

    Been there :D done that :D!! good luck hun :)

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