
Would having a D in Honors Algebra 2 during Junior year effect my chances of getting into University of Pitts?

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During my junior year in high school, i've struggled alot in math and in the end, my struggles gave me a D in Algebra 2 honors. my grades for junior years are average, A's, B's and C's. Mostly B's though. But at the end of my 4th marking period i found out i've got like a 65 in that math class.

*So far my grades for High school aren't so bad. During freshman year, it was average, gotten better during second semester. Sophmore year got straight A's(all Academic courses) But for my junior year, I chose 3 honor classes all at once. I've gotten like B's and C's in those classes (excluding that last D). Got A's and very high B's for the rest of academic classes. For my senior year, I've picked out 3 ap classes: Ap eng, Chem, Comp. Gov./ along with acad Trig, honors physics, and german 3. For my first/only SAT score, it was around 1800's. GPA at the moment is 3.2-3.3 *

So do you think i can make it? I want to go to U. of Pittsburgh and become a nurse. Please gimme some advice/feedback!




  1. Look at the University of Pittsburgh Admission requirements below./

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