
Would having bad tooth cavities stop me from being able to join the army?

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Would having bad tooth cavities stop me from being able to join the army?




  1. LMFAO! hunny no that will not stop you at ALL. get a filling and there ya go silly

  2. no

  3. I don't think so.

  4. In general no. I have a couple of cavities, one of which had it's filling break and get stuck between two teeth. I barely felt it but when I was checked out by a mandatory dental appointment in Baisc they found it. Nothing too serious, but I was scheduled to come back a few weeks later when I started AIT (at the same base) to have the broken filling removed and both cavities filled and sealed.

    It was a pretty quick process, and while they did offer pain killer, I went without it. I find them worse than the actual operation.  

  5. no, they don't check your teeth.  Probably the only thing they don't inspect.  Army dentists do too have novicaine...just shaky hands.  EEKS.  You would be better off getting ur teeth fixed by a civilian dentist.

  6. join the border patrol instead. more money and aren't as controlling.

  7. It really depends... Do you have really bad teeth from neglect? Most people don't know they have cavities until they visit the dentist or unless they are in constant pain because the cavity has eaten away at the whole tooth.  

    Although the military will not inspect close enough to see about small cavities, if you have really poor dental hygiene, that could be a disqualification.

    Example of poor dental hygiene:  missing teeth, blackened or excessive buildup of plaque on the teeth.  Severe over or under bite can be disqualification. Even if an individual has good dental care bit if the teeth are extremely crooked.

    If you are wearing braces, the braces must come off prior to going Active Duty.

    It really boils down to the MEPS doctors making a determination if your current health could be a risk that the Military might have to fix later.

  8. no, the army has many fine dentists ... but no Novocaine.

  9. You might get a temporary DQ until they are filled. I don't think the army checks for cavities in your teeth at MEPS. They will be filled at basic anyway.

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