
Would he divorce me because of this answer?

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Well he also asked would I take a bullet for him.Is this a good answer?

Well I'll put it this way.Death is painful especially in that way.I would most likely push you out of the way of it.I don't want to die and I don't want you to either.Now if someone threatened to beat you up then I would take the beating with a smile on my face.Death is serious.I would want both of us to live.I can't live with out you.So if you had to go instead of me,I would probably commit suicide.I would rather not speak in terms of death.I'd rather not think of that happening to you.It's depressing.

I was asked if a poiseness snake bit us,and there was only one antidote that couldn't be shared,who would I use it on.Me or him.I personally think that I would use it on him.I think that's what I would do.But I'm not in the situation so how could I tell?I don't know what I'd do.I'm afraid that if he hears these answers that he will want a divorce or think that I don't love him.I woul ddo anything for him but like I said,death is very serious.What do you think his reactions would be?

Do you think that he would divorce me or think that I don't love him if I gave him this answer?




  1. if this is the only problem you have get a life.  

    if something like this wopuld cause a divorce your marriage isnt that good

  2. STOP answering his stupid hypothetical questions!  If the continuation of your marriage is dependent upon your answer to ridiculous questions, then it's not much of a marriage.

  3. first of all, why the heck do you people ask these kind of questions anyway?  if you are in the relationship and confident about how you feel about each other it is rather stupid to ask these kind of questions and seriously expect an answer.  second, people respond to dramatic situations rather much different than when things are dandy.  third if you question or not he would divorce you for not giving him the answers you want to hear to silly questions like these....i think the relationship isn't solid.  know what i mean?

  4. You are putting way too much thought into this

  5. Oh my, lol. Ok, guys are different from women.  Men would die for others but women aren't built that way.  We're here to heal and nurture.  This is just silly.  If you're worried about divorce because of your answer, this relationship needs help.  There are so many more things to get upset about.

  6. Are you asking STRANGERS what WE think YOUR HUSBAND will think about YOUR answer?

    Hmmm... Well you can only love another person as much as you love yourself. So if you'd give him the antidote, he might sense a little self neglect. But will he divorce you? Nah! I don't think your husband would do that.

  7. Of course not. If he truly loves you, he will understand that you love him and would protect him no matter what situation. If he got mad at you, then this is just plain stupid. It is just unreasonable and rude to divorce you over some question that is probably never going to come true.

    Alongside this, you need to tell him to STOP asking you stupid hypothetical questions. It isn't even much of a marriage if he will divorce you over a hypothetical question. Hopefully he will understand. If this is coming from your heart, then say what you feel!

  8. I think he'll feel the same way, death IS a serious matter

  9. No he won't divorce u. Because most people themselves aren't willing to take a bullet for someone unless its like a child.  Its much easier being said than done.

  10. If he does over hypothetical questions then he is an idiot.  Personally I think he is the man so he should be protecting you and should be the one who dies for you, not the other way around.  Like you said thought death is not something people should really talk about in such a way.

  11. Didnt you just ask this question...Isnt this the third time you have asked?????

  12. Don't play into his games. Next time he asks you a question tell him that if he truly knows you he knows the answer. I am going to say this again, this is not normal husband/wife conversation, it is quite morbid.

  13. Nobody knows what they would do unless they were put in that situation.  Someone could say I would jump in front of the bullet but when it actually happens they might just run.  He just wants you to know how much he loves you and right there that is sweet.

  14. Quit over analyzing it.  Just tell him yes I would take a bullet for you, and then that will be the end of the conversation.  

  15. Just say "I hope it never comes to that - I hope to spend the rest of my life with you despite your painfully annoying, stupid, asinine questions that clearly reflect your need to be more important to me than you ever will be."

    Seriously? Why is your husband playing stupid childish games with you. Both of you need to get over it and grow up.

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