Well he also asked would I take a bullet for him.Is this a good answer?
Well I'll put it this way.Death is painful especially in that way.I would most likely push you out of the way of it.I don't want to die and I don't want you to either.Now if someone threatened to beat you up then I would take the beating with a smile on my face.Death is serious.I would want both of us to live.I can't live with out you.So if you had to go instead of me,I would probably commit suicide.I would rather not speak in terms of death.I'd rather not think of that happening to you.It's depressing.
I was asked if a poiseness snake bit us,and there was only one antidote that couldn't be shared,who would I use it on.Me or him.I personally think that I would use it on him.I think that's what I would do.But I'm not in the situation so how could I tell?I don't know what I'd do.I'm afraid that if he hears these answers that he will want a divorce or think that I don't love him.I woul ddo anything for him but like I said,death is very serious.What do you think his reactions would be?
Do you think that he would divorce me or think that I don't love him if I gave him this answer?