
Would i Fail School if i miss 15 days due to surgery..??

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with a doctors note i am planning on having a nose surgery due to my deviated septam and i have a tough eng. can he at all fail me like an a.s.s? and another thing...i am having sugery in another country as part of my "lovely" can he fail me at all???




  1. It is illegal for a teacher to fail someone due to medical procedures and surgeries, and such. I'd suggest that you get a doctors note or a note from your parents telling them that you'll be away at surgery. Don't worry about it. Just get a doctor's note.

  2. he can if you dont inform the principal about this.  Have your parents write a letter to yopur teachers.  Then a couple days later have them personally come in to talk to the principal to let him/her know that you will need to leave-- have a letter/ note from your doctor with his/her phone number handy for them/you just in case.  you can never be to careful.!

  3. Your parents need to speak to the principal, or if necessary, the superintendent.  It just depends on your school's policy.

  4. You can not as long you have a note form the doctor and parents approval you are allowed to make up those days you missed. AS HOMEWORK!!!!! Still if you do get held back go to the schools offical or county school board and tell them about the surgery. This way if they do nothing about it you can take it to court and solve it with a few days of summer.

    Trust me this happened to me as well I had eye surgery

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