
Would i be able to tell...?

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im just curious..would i still be able to tell my water has broken if it happens while im in the shower??...please share your experiences.thanks!




  1. yes you can. my water broke. but from what i hear its uncommon in most ppl. it can break in different ways. mine broke i heard and felt a POP..and water trickeled out of me .down my leg. i even took a shower (do not sit in tub with water if you think your water broke) towel dryed myself and got dressed thinking it stopped...but in truth it didnt. i got to the Er and i har water on the back of me like i peed on myself. wet spot...... they say the water will drain for an hour or so if it busted in a gush like i did. but i also heard from the nurse that most women dont have the TV version of a water breaking like i did.

    she claims most women have a leak............ that is they may lose water slowly. you can tell your water is  broken if you have water in your panties all the time and it is wet more then normal. most of the time this is what will happen, not the tv version of a gush. (although i had the gush.) if you feel your water broke in the shower......... put on a pair of dry panties. and wait an hour. if they r wet then most prob. your water is leaking. call the dr and tell them or call the ER nurse and ask what to do next if you think it is broken. most prob once the water is broken like this you should do in to the ER and they will send you to the perternity section and you will stay there until delivery. good luck

  2. um that depends, if your water breaks all at once or in small amounts if it breaks all at once you may notice It would be the equivilant to losing control of your bladder just not the same fluids. If it breaks in small amounts though you may not know it.

  3. You might not be able to tell while you are in the shower, but once you get out and get dried off you would notice because you will keep leaking whenever you change positions.  When my water broke with my third child I only felt a tiny little gush and thought maybe I peed in my pants - LOL.  But then I kept leaking and it was sticky, so I finally figured out my water had broke.  You'd think by my third child I would know...  but it's so different every time.  Good luck!

  4. The fluid from your water breaking would be noticeable bc its coming out your vaginal opening and not where you usually pee. When mine was broken it was a gush and then it was a slow and steady flow or trickle that lasted for quite awhile.  Its not usually all done at once.

  5. You should notice but not all women do.  You will however continue to leak fluid and will notice at some point when you feel you wet yourself and it just keeps happening lol.  Many women don't have their water brake on it's on and the dr has to do it with this long thing that looks like a huge crochet hook.  My bag was so strong with my second child that it was hanging out and still would not break on its own.

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