
Would i be able to tutor Mathematics?

by  |  earlier

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I am 21 and have a year left at university, studying mechanical engineering. I really like mathematics and have a grade A at a-levels and a B in Further mathematics. would i be able to tutor people in mathematics, and get paid for it? how do i go about it?




  1. Yeah! Not sure about how to start though, srry!

  2. sure!  there is probably a program to do it through your school.. if not, just advertise in the school paper or something and charge like $15/hr or so

  3. The URL you were given appears to link to a site that allows you to search for degree programs.

    There are several things you can do.  When I was fresh out of college, I found out about a tutorial center at a local junior college.  I volunteered there for about a year.  I wasn't paid for my time there, but the fact that I was associated with it brought me quite a few pay tutoring jobs.

    The school where I got my teaching credential had a referral service for people looking to tutor.

    There's always the time-honored method of posting ads on bulletin boards in your area.  I'd suggest hitting schools where the level you're comfortable with tutoring is taught.

    And, of course, since you're still at university, you might see if your own campus has a program of some kind.  Many schools do.

    Good luck!

  4. yes thats what i did at yr stage in life after leavign uni

    start with friends

    and siblings of friends

    or join an agency put an add in a school maybe or library or i tried in a local newsagent- i had success- later went on to be a teacher

    u would be fine doing math

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