
Would i ever be able to adopt??

by  |  earlier

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me and my husband are TTC, and its not working! so adoption is a possibility in the future. we live in the uk. i have had mental health problems in the past when i was a teenager, only depression, nothing too major. and i self harmed and tryed to commit suicide. im over this now, all in the past. but if we tryed to adopt, would they hold this against us? thank you x




  1. If you haven't repeated this behavior recently and you have been past that, then I don't see why not.  They do look into your past and they will ask questions.  That's normal.  If I were you, I would look into counseling/ therapy and just make sure that your mental health is where it should be.  This will also show the agency that you are making sure that you have done all that you can do.  I would make some calls like "aloha.girl" suggested and just ask some questions anonymously to see what you can find out.

  2. I'm sorry I can't answer your question, but maybe someone in your local DCFS can. (In parts of the U.S., we call DCFS=Department of Child/Family Services). You could call anonymously and tell them you're considering adoption and ask the question you've asked here.

  3. Maybe you can't concieve because you have sacral charka issues.

    You say you tried to commit suicide, self-harmed and also call it "nothing major." That in itself sounds like a contradiction. Many times it is difficult to be objective about one's mental health. How did you resolve your previous depression and what had been the source of it?

    Don't set your hopes on adopting.

  4. They may ask more questions, but if you are not depressed now and haven't tried to commit sucide recently. I really don't think they will hold you accountable.

  5. Being a parent is tough business. It does not stop and allow you to take a break. You should really consider that before adopting. Parenting can bring up alot of those emotions from the past if you have not dealt with them properly. I do wish you luck.

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