
Would i fell unconfortable in a threesome .what is the standard position?

by  |  earlier

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should lights be on off should i be all naked half naked she they go at the same times take turns i dont know does anyone know




  1. Are you sure you really want to have a threesome?

  2. I think you are a w***e and no DECENT or selfrespecting man will ever want to e with you.  

  3. firstly, do what ever you want!secondly don't over think it, its s*x,thirdly, they will probably tell you what they want you to do and where!

    chill....its a h**l of a ride

  4. won't feel uncomfortable a bit. The usual position is all three people standing on their head. Good luck and have fun!

  5. We'd be happy to give you a few pointers......

  6. SPITROAST!!!!!!!

  7. Something like that you have to go with the flow... usually there is someone who leads with a threesome...

  8. my favorite position is hiding in the closet, peering from the key hole.

  9. dim light with half naked :)

  10. buy videos or books that can give you guide about threesome. ask your partner opinion. than decide weather you want to proceed or not

  11. depends on where you come from, If your friends and family are into this ask them advice (but I hope not)

  12. threesomes are all about s*x and nothing about relationships or emotions. the lights could be on or off that's entirely up to you. It is up to you how you handle it, make sure the others know what you want before you get going. If you are a girl with two men, you may want to take turns with one guy or pleasure one whilst having s*x with the other. There are no hard and fast rules. At the end of the day, don't do anything you are not comfortable with. It will probably be quite fun!!  

  13. threesomes are so sick just 3 ppl ******* for pleasure no love no feeling ewww  

  14. Usually in p**n the lights are on. Each man gets a turn at a different turn at each hole.

  15. Boundaries define what is acceptable in a threesome as there are no universally accepted rules.

    My advice would be do what makes you the most comfortable.  

  16. Sounds like you are not confident enough if you are already questioning must think this through first and really want it if you are going to get any enjoyment out of it!

    As for what should happen when you are doing it, it's much easier to gage the other person's reaction when there are just two of you at it and you can obviously feed off of each other in terms of what turns you both on...I think with a threesome this is a little harder to do but you will probably find you are more turned on that usual anyway as there are more people to please you and vice versa......

    Have fun, relax and enjoy it if you decide to go for it! x

  17. Well if you have the confidence to take part in a threesome I think the lights will def not be turned off

  18. play naked twister and then you wont be nervous and ready to get it on after!

  19. With threesomes i feel it is always best if you and the other people involved discuss what everyone else is comfortable with. I know this may sound a bit unsexy, discussing what to do, but you don't want to get in any awkwardness if you do something someone isn't comfortable with...Are you and your partner involved or are you the person entering it with a couple, or are you all single? It is always best to talk about it first, go out for a drink and see how it goes, but you have to be clear what you are comfortable with! If you are in a relationship, you have to tell your partner you wouldn't be comfortable if....whatever you may not be comfortable with...

    Hope this helps...Once everything is agreed, enjoy your experiance!


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