
Would i get a positive opk if i had low progesterone?

by  |  earlier

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i have been TTC for 3 mths now. DP and i have planned this for 1 year prior to may. The cycle right before we started trying i have been spotting exactly 4 days before my period. I have had this for the last 3 cycles now. i truley believe that this might be to do with the stress of wanting to fall pregnant quickly. the question i have is that would i be getting positive opks if there were a stress related problm with low progesterone? do you think this spotting is stress related? P.S I came off birth control 10 mths ago so dont think it is that.




  1. To answer your first question, the OPK looks for and detects LH, it doesn't have anything to do with your progesterone. Your progesterone only increases the day after you Ovulate, opks have nothing to do with it. I do not believe you are spotting before your period because of the stress of wanting to become pregnant. It's common for women to have some spotting in between cycles, it probably has something to do with your hormones, or it could just be the early onset of your AF showing up. If you are really conserned you should talk to your doctor but I don't think it's anything to worry about.

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