
Would i get arrested?

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If I was in a fight that I didnt start and I nearly killed the guy I was fighting with or put him in a coma. I live in Toronto Canada if that helps..Thanks




  1. It would depend on whether it was determined you were fighting in defense of yourself or whether once the other guy started the fight you were out to hurt him.

    If you were fighting in self-defense and had witnesses to that effect, you probably would not be arrested. But if there is any question of your intent at all, you probably would be arrested and booked until the facts were sorted out as to what exactly happened.

  2. Only if the guy you fought wants to press charges on you for (nearly killing) him as you said.Thats some serious stuff.

  3. I'm not sure about Canadian law, but in the states you are only allowed to use enough force to end the threat to yourself, and anything more than that is excessive and you can be charged.

  4. Yes, if they have enough evidence they could possibly arrest you for the offense.

  5. sadly yes, i know its stupid even if someone is about to kill you and you hurt them you'll get arrested

  6. You would have to be able to prove that you were acting in self defense. If the person is much bigger than you and/or has a weapon than you would probally be alright. If the person is smaller than you, a female, elderly, and/or you hit them numerous times even after the threat was over than you might catch an aggrevated assult charge, which by the way is a felony.
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