
Would i know if something was broken?

by  |  earlier

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i punched a concrete road about 7 times today, and my hand felt weird- that initial numbish feel, and it was cut slightly.

i put ice on it, but now it's noticeably swollen and still pretty painful, and kind of red. it hurts to clench my fist but if i keep it in a certain position it doesn't hurt.

anyway i've been typing and all that, should i worry that i did some damage to my hand?




  1. i would have it checked out just to make sure u didnt do anything bad. oh and dont punch concrete anymore... u might break ur hand ^_^

  2. Fracture of fingers are painful but not as painful as other larger bones. So my answer will be it is possible that you won't know that you have a finger fracture specialy with the swelling.

    An X-Ray will be a good idea.

  3. acually no not right away. and it depends what bone it is. most of the time you will no get a x-ray

  4. Could be a closed fracture. What part/section of your hand is swollen? That would help.

    Edit... sounds like it could be a boxer's break. It's the most common punching injury. Get it X-rayed. It may need realigning depending how complete the break is.

  5. Anyone stupid enough to do an idiot thing like that doesn't deserve an answer from me, but my opinion as a former nurse is that it needs to be x rayed..

  6. Red, yes. It would not hurt to have an x-ray.

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