
Would i relapse now that i stop medications?

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ok i have a baby 7 months ado i got phychotic symtoms when my baby was 4 months old then my doctor told me i was bipolar with phythotic features i dont believe that and she put me on seroquel 200 mg but after a month taking it i cut my dose to 100mg i took seroquel for 2 months during the last few days i wean off myself now i havent take it for 3 days i feel perfect when may i expect to relapse if i do?? i gain 6 pounds in 2 months when i will lose the weigh??




  1. Bearing in mind that is not the right forum for diagnosing psychiatric conditions it appears from your brief explanation more likely that you might have had post partum depression (the baby blues). This is due to hormonal imbalances and can be treated naturally. It usually begins soon after childbirth but can happen later as occurred for you.

    I do not advise self-weaning of psychotic drugs, but many of my clients tell me they have done this. Psychotic symptoms can return in a few days, but you might be ok because you were not taking the drug long term yet. But I suggest you go to see a medical herbalist who can give you some nervous system supportive herbs so that you don't crash in mood. They will not be addictive or needed for a very long time. A herbalist will also check if you need natural hormonal support.

    Herbs I suggest are St John's wort, chamomile and skullcap - all safe if you are breastfeeding.

    It was very heavy handed to give a drug such as seroquel to a new mother. Change doctors! Seroquel can raise blood sugar levels and affect the thyroid. Take some fibre in your diet to help balance blood sugar levels and your weight should drop naturally.

  2. Under no circumstances should you discontinue your medication without the supervision of your physician.  Most psychotropic drugs have a long half-life, meaning that they stay in your system for a long time, sometimes weeks.  Being off the medication for only three days may not clear it from your system.  You may have a relapse-- it just may not have shown up yet because the medicine still is in your system.

    You especially need to be careful since you are caring for a young infant.  Call your doctor right away.  Have her explain things to you.   This could be a permanent change or temporary, similar to postpartum depression.  

    Mental illness is not a character flaw, it's an illness.  It can be permanent or temporary, but it's nothing to fool around with.  If your medication was helping, you should stay on it.  If it wasn't, then you need to discuss it with your doctor.  But don't fool around with your meds.   If you should have a relapse, you could endanger not only yourself, but your child.

    God bless.  

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