
Would i still make friends and have a good social life?

by  |  earlier

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im 17 now and when im 18 plan on living with my dad in sheffiled and going to college or uni there, so i wont have to pay for uni accommodation, but would this mean that i miss out on a social life by not living at uni?

thank you xxxxxxxxxxx




  1. No it doesnt as you will meet friends in college/uni (:


  2. you should be fine i think. you'll just have to put a bit more effort into this than everyone else.

  3. I would not worry about it. Just be yourself at uni and you will make friends. They will invite you to partys at the weekend etc. Living in the halls is over rated, terrible conditions, horrible flat mates sometimes and disgusting rent!xxxxx

  4. It depends on what your dad is like to live with.

  5. of course you wont, your in a fortunate position.

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