
Would it be OK to invite your teacher to your home for dinner?

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Would it be OK to invite your teacher to your home for dinner?




  1. only if she is a swinger.

  2. NO this is not the Cosby Show.

  3. No you sick F#%$$$$$ck- stop watching dateline and do some homework

  4. If I were you, I would ask my parents first, especially since I am living with them and they would have to give permission as well as do the cooking and extra food shopping and clean the extra dishes.

  5. as long as it's not one of those Mary Kay Laterno things....

  6. Run it by your family first before you ask the teacher.

  7. I can't see why not.

  8. Yes, I would say that would be appropriate, just be sure to run it by your parents, and good luck asking that teacher. (*gulp*...*AKWARD*...)

  9. depends, what are you hoping to get out of it?

  10. for sure yo

    If you're trying to brown nose or kiss @ss  ;)

    Maybe you're trying to get a good score in your teacher's class

    or maybe if your teacher is a hottie, and she looks smoking in that teacher's ourfit.

  11. if she's hot yes

  12. Yes if you really like her..

  13. It would definitley depend on  why you invited him/her to your house. If you were thinking so that your parents could talk with the teacher about your grades then it's fine. If it's thanking them for going above and beyond the call of duty, then it's fine. It also depends on how comfortable you feel with your teacher, and how formal he or she is with you. A teacher who never seems the slightest bit interested in you shouldn't be having dinner with you. Be careful when you ask, it shouldn't sound like you're making a big deal out of it unless you want to make it a big deal. Be prepared to be let down, and your peers will tease you.

  14. maby but if you are trying to suckup because your kid is dumb than that is not rite. but be careful you do not want you kid to get c**p at school for haveing the teacher over

  15. ya right!!!! if u want ur life to end !!!!! i would advise u not to do that cause if ur class finds out that u have called ur teacher for dinner, u r dead!!!!

    well if u still want to do so!!! all the best!!!!

  16. I dunno. Why would you want to see your teacher outside of school? I mean if they're cute, and then you'd probably have to be in college.

  17. Sure! Just run it by your parents first and don't get your hopes up (ie be prepared for the teacher to say "no" so you don't get your feelings hurt). Good luck!

  18. as long as you didn't try to seduce them

  19. why would you?

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