
Would it be a Problem for A Woman with very Puffy Nipples to get them pierced?

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Would it be a Problem for A Woman with very Puffy Nipples to get them pierced?




  1. Even if you have puffy nipples, they generally go into a tighter shape if you get cold etc. I personally had puffy nipples, got them pierced no problem at all. If anything it has made them become less puffy, as having metal through them seems to make them go harder and into that tighter shape.

    By the way, thought I would add, go to a pharmacy and buy numbing cream, it works wonders, I barely even felt it when I got pierced. I just put the cream on half an hour beforehand, it came with some little strips to cover them, and I was good to go. Then when you get there the piercer just wipes it off, no hassles.

  2. it shouldn't be your may bleed a little and it may hurt like h**l at first but that will fade away in about 3 days

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