
Would it be a bad idea if I were to take fantasy novels and read them for study?

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I've had this idea for a while. I might want to be a writer one day and I like fantasy. I don't read much so I don't know if my stories are cliche or not. One thing I felt like trying was reading fantasy novels, original ones and cliche ones to see what others are doing. However every person I told this idea to keeps telling me it's a bad idea. So as a result I got discouraged. The reason why I did is because they're opinions affected me, which I shouldn't let that happen. Everyone keeps telling me I'm going to pick up on bad habbits. They tell me to just read things that are original. Well it's hard to find what's cliche from original stories. Does my idea sound bad or what?




  1. Reading, and reading a *lot* is incredibly important if you want to be a writer. Most writers read all kinds of books, both in their preferred genre as well as in others.

    You had the right idea, for the right reasons--don't listen to other people's foolishness.

    Now go read a book! :)

  2. No it's not both bad to try doing what you want to do and to listen to other's advice/ always remember to love what you're doing.

  3. If you have an original idea already in your head then start writing.

    If you don't, then read, read, read. And watch movies and eavesdrop and all sorts of things looking for inspiration. Sometimes if you read a bunch of stories, then they'll influence you too much and mess with your head. But if your mind is already drawing a blank then look for as much inspiration as possible. Inspiration is fantastic, but "ripping-off" is not. You have to find a balance based on how... vunerable your imagination is.

    So it's really your decision, based on how defined your ideas already are.

    Good luck, and hope I made sense.

  4. The first thing pretty much every single English Lit teacher on the planet worth their salt will tell you is that to be a good writer, you must READ writers- good and bad.  Pay attention to their vocabularies, the way they describe events and places, and how they organize their stories.  From teh good authors you learn what works, from the bad ones- well, we all hope we learn from their s***w-ups, but I've found myself making the same mistakes on occassion.  At least by reading bad books I've learned how to catch myself and undo a problem before the story is complete!

    Read your own stories critically, and don't be afraid to let things go if they don't work- not every plot byline is going to be a gem, and sometimes you have to lay your babies to rest before you even let them out of your head to breathe; I know from experience, although it breaks my heart every time I have to do it.  Researching the subject can help, too, but over-researching can make you boring and blah.  Occassionally a fudge in the truth is more interesting than reality, and sometimes reality is more unbelievable than the strangest fictions.

    Here are some good authors that I like personally that you might want to read:

    J.R.R. Tolkien

    C.S. Lewis

    Susan Cooper

    Kevin J. Anderson

    Mark Twain

    Christopher Pike

    Holly Black

    Malcom Gladwell

    Bryan Sykes

    David Livingstone Smith

    Marc Feldman, M.D.

    Some of them are science authors, and some of the fiction authors aren't fantasy authors.  However, they are all excellent writers and each has something to offer to the critical reader.  I hope you get as much out of them as I have.

  5. Other books are like viruses for other writers.

    If you read a book, your brain automatically remembers it. How it was written, the plot, characters, etc... If you decide to write a book after you've read a book, you will have similar things. Unless you're writing like a fantasy, but read an old war classic(something the complete opposite), I suggest that you do not read other books and/or study them.

    But of course you do need something to read, so my advice is to read a classic. That way, you won't get any similar ideas from it. And plus classics are just great in general. Everyone needs to read them.

  6. If i were going to be a writer I would read everything i could get my hands on, good or bad.

    if you really think your story is good that's all that matter. Technically ever story is the same, every hero has a quest, tons of children have come of age in fiction books. It's the details that make your story different.

  7. First of all -- "every person" you've talked to has fed you a load of bool-shiznit.  There is nothing -- nothing -- a writer does more than reading (that is, except for the writing, obviously).  You can see what others are doing and learn from it, either what works or what doesn't, or you can learn that there is nothing to be learned from that particular author.  No problem with that, either.

    People who read what I've written AND are familiar with the books I read could probably pull out a few of my influences (or maybe not, I don't really ask them).  For example, I'm about to finish a poem that has been hugely influenced by Madeleine L'Engle's book "Many Waters."  There is nothing wrong with being influenced by particular authors as long as you don't plagiarize their work, and you don't seem to be headed in that direction.

    "Just read things that are original"?  What is that supposed to mean?  Everything, almost, is original at one point or another.  Granted, you will find some books or authors that are staggeringly brilliant or original, at least to you, and these will influence you more than the others.  Once again, no biggie.

    Any other questions, please feel free to e-mail . . .  

  8. I think you should write your ideas and not worry about whether or not they are original. I don't think you'd  pick up bad habits from other books, but maybe you'd loose some of your originality if you are always worrying about writing the same ideas as others.

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