
Would it be a bizarre situation if..?

by  |  earlier

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a fat man was put into a giant lathe. one that was built to spin the fat man at say 300 rpm. then the cutter gets close and trims him down to how he shoud be? what would he say. could this device be produced?




  1. He would say nothing, he would be dead and no this could not work..

  2. So let me rephrase your question: you want to spin a fat man and carve him with a knife as he is dying from being spun at a speed that would rupture his internal organs? You want to invent a instrument of torture?  The law of physics was not considered when you wrote this question as people die from intense shaking or spinning at high speeds so it is not possible and no, this device would never be produced.  It might have sounded good to you at first but it sounds like something out of a horror movie.

  3. it would depend if the operator was on piece rate or not

  4. Wow where can I get some of what you are smoking?

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