
Would it be a conspiracy theory to say that the Bush Administration didn't want to investigate 9/11?

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Would it be a conspiracy theory to say that the Bush Administration didn't want to investigate 9/11?




  1. No, but it still needs to be demonstrated though

  2. Why can't you, and Rosie O'Donnell, and some other anti-Americans put that theory to bed!

    Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous!!!!!

    In addition....let me see now, the government is made up of two parties, Republicans and Democrats.  But many think the problem lies only within the Republican party, right?  B.S!  So the FBI, CIA armed forces, etc. etc. etc., only has Republicans, no Democrats, correct?  B.S!  And why in the world does anyone think that  the Democrats would be super clean ?  This theory stinks, and everyone knows it.

  3. No, that would be a fact because it's very well documented that they Bush Administration did everything they could to resist any investigation into the event of 9/11. This is a very well known fact yet some morons still refuse to believe it.  

  4. No, that would be solid FACT:

    Interesting how the deniers are so consistently ignorant of their own history, legal system, heritage and culture... they constantly identify people who question the system and supply quotes from the Founding Fathers, some of America's most influential heroes - and insult them... incredible.

    Revealing, how they are not only so ill-informed about the present but profoundly ignorant about their own history too...  

  5. No, it would just be stupid, like all the other conspiracy BS.

  6. No, that's a fact. Bush did not want an investigation and tired to drop Henry Kissinger in the commission when he finally caved. Kissinger, not the most known person for transparant government anyway, stepped back after family members of the victims asked him about any relations with the Bin Laden family

  7. Well, The Administration can only suggest and investigate when DoJ recommends it. Otherwise, it is up to Congress. We all know that is not going to happen, for congress knows where those investigations will lead. This includes the Armed Services Committee which I believe were ran by Democrats. Even if it was not, there were some heavy Democrats that had a vested interest in Afghanistan.  

  8. No....that's not a theory....  That is the TRUTH.

    This is why they only granted the 9/11 Commission $15 million.... and reluctantly did so.  

    EDIT:  Amazing how people like AMAZINGKARMA and ARLENE can be such sheep....just mind-boggling.

    Here's a link for the sheep....

    ....I doubt they will put any thought into it (seems to be a struggle for them) but it is good information...  Hopefully ARLENE will look into it and actually see who SHE is calling anti-American.

    To bow down and accept the almighty govt.'s word is anti-American.  The founding fathers would be ASHAMED of you for NOT questioning your govt.

  9. I'd call it a fact. there's no evidence only for those who choose not to seek it

  10. What Bush realized is that the Democrats would be more interested in finding ways to smear him and whitewash Clinton's role in the attack than finding out what really happened. From what I saw of the 9-11 commission, that's exactly what happened.

  11. No, It would only incriminate them. BTW who is Marvin Bush? and what did he have to do with 9/11?

  12. A start of one, but not much more.  To make a good conspiracy theory you should bring in all the normal stuff (New World Order, LBJ's theft of the Gold Reserves, Jews and Freemasons, Illuminati operating through college clubs, the British Royal Family running the world drug trade), but you should also add some new off the wall element.  Otherwise your theory is just going to sink without trace among the other conspiracy theories on the net.  David Icke did it by taking all of the above, and then adding the idea that a lot of people were reptiles in disguise.  Don't copy that one, think of one for yourself.  My one for today is that the hijackers had no idea of the real reason for their targets.  9/11 was an assassination plot which worked, as there have been no repeat attempts.  We just haven't been told the target or targets.

  13. No. They  tried to block  the 9/11 commission. The fact that it happen  on their watch, and they had  ignored warning   from departing Clinton  officials had the potential to do them  enormous political damage. However to take it as evidence that they planed it is to fall down the rabbit hole into wonderland.

  14. No.  They didn't want it investigated.  It is very suspect.

  15. so how did that "investigation" into Pearl Harbor go....?

  16. Yes, and wrong also.

  17. It was investigated to death by every law enforcement agency that had any possible jurisdiction. Give it a rest.

  18. You'd be surprised to find out who the REAL culprits were:

  19. I don't think so, but then again what would I know the fool that I am!

    But Richard seem to think that it is!;...

  20. In light of the fact that Lydon Johnson got away with lying to the AMERICAN people, and to this day, NOBODY has been held accountable. ... doesn't that sort of make a statement.

    Anyhow, when the "investigation" did happen, Bush and Cheney refused to testify, they had to "testify" in secret, with NO recordings and NO notes, ya, right, what did they talk about,

    Baseball? ... or?

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