
Would it be a conspiracy theory to say that the Bush administration were forewarned of 9/11?

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Would it be a conspiracy theory to say that the Bush administration were forewarned of 9/11?




  1. i'd say its a fact. there is no evidence only for those who choose not to seek it

  2. We know that they were advised of that.   However they chose to ignore the information.  They got their trifecta and little georgie got his "legacy"

  3. yep.  just read all those posts i've shoved down to the bottom of the page.  they've got the answers, they know the truth.  just ask them.  oh, you did.  the intelligence agencies of five of our allies have sworn they warned washington of the impending attack.  france even sent pictures.  yet, here it is seven years later in just over two weeks and what has been done?  nada.  well, i guess they put together that commission and told them what to say.

  4. Being forewarned means little and doesn't mean anything about a conspiracy.  If you are forewarned that your house is susceptible to a break in and there is an odd car seen outside your house but you do nothing is that a conspiracy?

    Seeing the warning signs, knowing what they mean and actually doing something are three different things.

  5. You have just proved on of my long time political theories. Little things please little minds. Thanks.

  6. Not really.

    There's enough blame for BOTH the Clinton and Bush administration for ignoring signs and warning.

    It's a HUGE leap to begin thinking that either administration planned or executed it to blame on another country.  That's where the crackpots flock.

  7. It's a lie unless you can prove it.

  8. No, there is documented evidence. On july 10th, 2001 George Tenet and The Assistant deputy of the CIA Cofer Black met With Condi Rice. Tenet said the CIA had intercepted massive traffic, more so than the traffic that Preceeded the Millenium attacks. He stated in no uncertain terms that an attack in the United States was eminent and something needed to be done. Condi's response was :"the President doesn't want us swatting at Flys' - If she had given authorization and they had run the credit cards of the two 9/11 terrorists on the Governments watch list they would have discovered the Purchase of over 10 plane tickets departing the same morning - enough to draw suspicion and stop the event.

    There was also the Aug 8th PDB that was famously spoken of in the Hearing with Condi Rice "Bin laden Determined to attack in the United States" that outlined the Surveilance of certain buildings such as the WTC, and Pentagon. And She and Her Department Did NOTHING

    And for all of that she got a promotion

  9. No, the Clinton administration was warned of an attack using airliners as cruise missiles in 96. The warning was not passed on in the report given to Bush when he entered office. Interesting that something specified in the report given to Clinton wasn't even menctioned in the one given to Bush.

    On sept 1 our overseas installations were warned of a possible terrorist attack. We had warnings from several intel agencies, not one menctioned the idea of an attack inside the US.  Interesting to see the extent conspiracy theorists will lie to advance their agenda.

  10. Just too stupid to recognize it when it when its staring  you in the face.  

  11. Would it be a conspiracy theory to say that you keep posting stupid question after stupid question after stupid question?

  12. by that logic we could say FDR was forewarned of Peral harbor

  13. Its not a theory, Ralph, its a FACT!!

  14. Don't watch this unless you want the real answers:

  15. No.  

    The sad and scary part is:  they didn't have the authority or desire to call it off or stop it.

    EDIT:  FDR ((WAS)) warned of Pearl Harbor.

  16. At the moment it is a conspiracy theory and a Bloody good one at that. But when does a conspiracy Theory become a legitimate fact?

    George W Bush has the lowest IQ of any president ever, he is soooo bad at his job he has killed millions of innocents, invaded countries, run the US into the ground and still people stick up for him. I just don't get it!! what does someone have to do in this country for people to wake up to facts??

    If terrorists planned and orchestrated the 9/11 attacks, years of planning etc etc then couldn't they have just killed Bush and really done some damage to the US? Of course they could have. One Gun...plenty of opportunities after years of planning but it never happened.

    Wake UP!!

  17. The appropriate cliche:

    "Tin foil hats, anyone?"

  18. Yes it would.  But those who're paranoid enjoy the heck out of the notion.

  19. Yes. Anything that is not the truth related to 9/11 is a disgusting conspiracy theory.

  20. They have actively sought to stop investigations. Innocent people do not behave that way.

    Someone in Cheney's office could have leaked the details of the war-games going on that day. Perhaps an Israeli spy? It is not credible that they just happened to be having war-games on 9/11 about planes being hijacked and a bunch of goof-ball, partying with FBI informants hijacked planes on the same day that Cheney turned off NORAD.

    You don't have to go to the point of any allegation or theory to just want an investigation into whether Cheney's office or GWB's had an informant ie spy in them.

    Simply not credible.  

  21. No, they were notified of said threats through PDBs. (Presidential Daily Briefings).  

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