
Would it be a good choice for McCain to have Condelsa Rice as her running mate?

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Secritary of state for experence and Black and a woman! All the black voters and woman voters and white voters would have a peace of theirs in that match!




  1. Good idea trade one yes man for two.  A yes man and a yes women.

  2. condoleza should be running herself for president, not 2 nd place position. she'd have my vote.

  3. Well, she hasn't really done much positive as secretary of state (hard to do under this administration).

  4. Why?  Could it be because of Barack Obama?  Since she is black then blacks will vote for her?  If your party liked her so much she would have been on the short list for President, not as an after-thought or a token gesture because it is politically expedient.  We all know that the Republican Party is all about Rich White Men and their sons who are given some entitlement to run the country.  What a tired question.  In fact, I would wager that is not even likely nor probable.  It adds up to being a token discussion about token leadership that the Republican Party has absolutely no intention of following.  I am not inferring the Party is Racist, but what I am saying it is homogenous.  To my point the most Conservative Man in a position of power is Clarence Thomas, hands down.  He doesn't get the mantle for anything, he is honorable mention.  This is what the Republican Party thinks about what leadership looks like, White and if you are Black, invisible.  It's the White Man's party.  Condolezza will never be VP material because she doesn't have a pair, and she doesn't meet the other "necessary requirements" as demonstrated by Yale graduates. Even if they are C students.

  5. Condoleeza Rice has got too much class.  She wouldn't run with this liberal so-called republican even if her life depended on it

  6. You mean his running mate, not her running mate.

  7. No. She looked like a fool in the 911 hearings when answering about the title of the report about Bin Laden attacking the US.

    She is hot with all that power though.

  8. No. Only because she is closely associated with Bush, and that's not the best association to have this election year.

  9. She has not been a good choice for America under Bush so why should she do any better under McCain? Our foreign policies are a total mess; she runs all over the world but has resolved little. She has made agreements with a lot of world leaders but none to the best interest of the United States. McCain and Bush are so much alike that there probably won't be much improvement in the White House (but far better than can be expected if Clinton gets there). Keeping the same people in office will not fix our problems; they do not change when they move to another office or get a new title.  McCain, like Clinton, has been around Washington too long; they are both a part of the group that has all but destroyed the United States.

  10. I think it would be an excellent choice.  Being that she has similar credibility to GW Bush, this would help the Dems regain the White House.  Good idea.

  11. Secretary Rice has already said she is interested in only one job after leaving her current post: Commissioner of the National Football League.

    I believe her.

  12. Yes, but she would be criticized for saying many times that she will not run for office and then changing her mind.  She also is tainted with all of the things people don't like about the Bush administration, including things McCain opposes (like waterboarding).

    If black women want a black woman to vote for  they could vote for former congresswoman Cynthia McKinney who is seeking a third party nomination, and has served longer in Congress than Obama.  ( ).  I doubt very many women or want to vote for a woman bad enough to support McKinney however.

  13. If I was going to vote republican, she wouldn't be a bad choice.

  14. NO

    She is pretty much hated in all circles!

  15. good choice as vice president. mccain has a good chance to win if he chose rice.

  16. First of all, McCain is a "man".  No, it would not be a good idea for McCain to have Ms. Rice as his running mate...unless he wants to lose the race.

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