
Would it be a good decision to move to london?

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well i have been planning to move somewhere that is not in the US. So ive been thinking to move to london. would that be a good place to live or should i just stay here in the US?




  1. it's not a good decision unless you have the skills and experience to be able to get a work permit ... it is notoriously difficult for US citizens to get work permits for the UK

    you don't have to stay in the US and it would do you good to get out into the world and explore

  2. it's not easy to just pick up and move to another country.  you have to get a work visa or have enough money to live there.  the pound is very strong.  $500 US in half that in London so it's best to go with a plan.

    i don't know where you live or your current occupation but i think you'll find moving elsewhere in the states just as fulfilling.  or make a 2 year plan to move so you'll be able to save money, do the necessary paperwork for a visa, visit London so you can decide where you want to live, study the job market there...and that's just the beginning.

    you can always join the peace corp or do volunteer work abroad.  but you'll still need to get your house in order before you do.

    hope this helps.

    good luck!

  3. If you have money it would. It is hard to get a flat(apartment) it took my cousin who has lived there all her life years. My cousin who is engaged  has not gotten married yet becausethey have no were to live so she lives with her family and he lives with his. The cost of living is higher in London.

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