
Would it be a good idea to by American Express stock with 90 percent of my savings, if I am unemployed and

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dont have any other savings or investments?




  1. You should open a ROTH IRA and invest in the Index 500 Fund because the earnings will be never be taxed, unless of course your career picks up and you earn over $125k/year.  You shouldn't 'play' the stock market with your life savings, but rather keep it invested in MUTUAL FUNDS which lessen the risk of losing everything.  Once you're financially stable in your life -- NO CREDIT CARD DEBT -- you can then engage in high risk investments.  At this point, you investing in a stock would be like you going to Vegas with your nest egg:  completely irrational.

  2. It is probably not a good idea. You will have nothing to fall back on, and you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket anyways.

    I would suggest you get a job, and then invest.

  3. 90 percent in ANYTHING is always a BAD idea... much better off to go about 30- 30- 30 - 10  into four diff companies  ( and that 10 should be the only amount in anything " financial" )

  4. Never a good Idea to put every thing in the market. Some times market does not follow any pattern. You can put 50 percent because the market is cheap now and showing revival.

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