
Would it be a good idea to invest our tax dollars on planet earth instead of hoping to rebuild Mars?

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...So your saying that it's better to gamble on Mars rather than fix our home here?Woooowwww....that's really endeavoring....and such a might think we are saving and dying for oil to bu8ild our elite a new home after they blow up this one...sad people can't see it....




  1. I think mars is a waste  of time. who cares about mars

  2. Yes.

  3. We can do both.  It was the investment in research for space exploration that helped the US lead the way in technological advancement.  That advancement boosted our economy in a hundred ways.  

    Vision people, have a bit of vision!

  4. Despite the short term setbacks in our economy, all our efforts to move into space have paid dividends beyond imaging.

    And Earth isn't going to last forever. No amount of tax dollars is going to spare us the effects of the dramatic climate changes and massive over population that will ruin our ability to sustain life of any quality.

    We must become a space faring race if our hopes of survival are to be realized.

    Mars is only the first stop.

  5. No the liberals have ruind the Earth.

  6. It would be a good idea to give me my f#*ken money back.

    Government needs to concern themselves with "Protect and Defend" and send all other duties to the states.

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