
Would it be a good idea to use a classic car while storm chasing?

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I heard these cars can take a lot of damage and don't get banged up like the newer cars.




  1. True, but they don't get that great of gas mileage. I wouldn't do anything to tear up a truly classic car, but an old beater that was already rough around the edges would be a pretty good choice, if you didn't mind getting lousy mileage.

  2. if its real old and beat up,absolutely but if its a carburetor then its not a good idea, usually the best cars to storm chase in are steel bodied fuel injected cars, but if you absolutely have to use a carburetor make sure the air filter is new and all the seals on and around the carb. are good

  3. well they are sturdier than newer cars, but they can still get easily damaged by a small object that is flying around fast enough.

    When I go storm chasing, I would want a car that is fast enough but has some dents in it already.

  4. i  wouldnt its a classic

  5. All it takes is one item through the glass and you're done.

    When hunting tiger, expect to find one.

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