
Would it be a problem if a center speaker has a mid-range driver and the others don't have?

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I am interested in the below speaker set:,119,36,273.aspx

They are from the same brand and family, thus their specs are almost exactly the same, except their driver configurations-- the center has 3-way drivers whereas the front and surround speakers have 2-way drivers.

I was wondering whether this would be problem, i.e. create an out-phase problem or any other problem? (what are the pros and cons of a system whose center speaker is 3-way and other speakers are 2-way?)

Would you say, if the very same speaker set were available with a center speaker that also has 2-way drivers, that you would buy that set? Or would you buy this set "as is" nonetheless, especially considering the fact that mid-range is more important for center speakers than other speakers?

If you are strictly opposed to 3-way and 2-way mixture in a set, than could you please recommend me a fully 3-way bookshelf and/or tower speaker set to me?





  1. no that wont matter at all. most of the voices and audio in general come through the center speaker. so you dont want to skimp there. its common to have cheaper speakers for your surrounds. they are like the supporting actors of home theater. i would focus on the two front speakers. those are even more important. those are the lead roles of home theater. and you dont want to put supporting actors in the lead role do you. so i wouldnt worry about the surround speakers. those will do just fine and wont be reproducing sound as often anyway.

  2. In a surround system up to 75% of the information -- in particular voices (and that puts a premium on midrange capability) -- comes through the centre speaker. It is therefore essential that the centre be able to to reproduce as smooth a frequency response as possible.  In general a 3-way speaker will do that better than a 2-way.

    SO .... long way to get to a short answer ... not only is a 3 way speaker not a problem, it's probably an advantage. Furthermore since the spekaers are from the same family their general sound (timbre) will be similar.

    Amperion have a pretty good reputation for surround systems for HT. They have matched the speakers well .... basically, a good choice as is.

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