
Would it be appropriate...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I went for a job interview yesterday and made it through the one on one interview and was asked straight back for a group interview. I was told that in the both interviews especially the group one I stood out a lot.. The lady that interviewed me and would be employing me liked me quite a bit and I have her mobile phone number. She will call in the next few days to tell me if I have the job not, but I guess the question would be would it be an appropriate thing for me to sms her and say thanks for the interview yesterday or would that be too pushy and self centered, or do you think it would be a good thing?

Blahh, get back to me!




  1. a thank you note, thanking them for the time and consideration is appropriate. please, for the love of all that is holy, do not text this thank you. that shows a lack of maturity and social graces that could undo large chunks of that great interview.

  2. I don't think we've quite reached the point where text messages are considered an appropriate medium to thank a job interviewer. Traditionally one would send a note, but nowadays a phone call is perfectly acceptable. I think it would be a good idea for you to give her a call to thank her for the interview (if she doesn't pick up leave a message) but don't send a text message - that's just too informal and it's best to be overly conservative when it comes to interviewing. Though I imagine 10 years from now text messaging will be appropriate and phone calls will seem outdated.

    edit: I still think a phone call is better, though a text message would probably not be the death knell it might be if you were interviewing for a more traditional position. Once you start working there, then you can probably text with impunity.

  3. send flowers

  4. dont text

  5. ~~It would be much better to pick a card or type up a short note and mail to her quickly to let her know how much you enjoyed the company, her time, and the opportunity-blah, blah, blah. Not many people do that and it makes you a stand out. ( You can even drop if off personally. I would stay away from the texting though.~~

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