
Would it be bad if you use homeopathic flu medicine for a cold?

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i have this homeopathic flu medicine that my voice teacher recomended for me to take when i have a cold (you know, cause it's hard to sing with a cold) and it works really well, my cold was gone in 2 days, so i want to keep using it but i just wanted to make sure that it's not bad to use it for a cold instesd of a flu.




  1. It works for you! Doesn't it? So don't hesitate and keep using it. You can't overdose on homeopathic remedies unless using super potent ones. The one for cold and flu should be 200C. It works really well.

  2. Homeopathic means that it doesnt work. If it has "strength X15" or some other number, then you are taking water or a sugar placebo.

    Your voice teacher must have less education than one of those mystic idiots on TV.

    Take some vitamins and go to sleep. Drink a lot of fresh fruit juices.

  3. He's right, even "herbal" is better than homeopathic.

    And for the record, one "test" if you will is hardly enough to even begin to form a pool of data. I've had colds that lasted two days, no water. I mean Homeopathic remodies.

  4. If it works for you then use it. Most homeopathic remedies for the flu will work for colds too. They stimulate your body's own ability to heal itself. It treats the cause of the problem instead of masking the symptoms. You can't overdose on homeopathics and you can take a combination of treatments because the body will only respond to the remedy that your body needs. That's why the flu remedy probably worked for your cold also. Heaps of people think homeopathy is a load of c**p, but hey, if it works for you then that's all the proof you need. Doctors are only now realising the advantages to a lot of natural medicine expecially acupuncture. Most people write off natural medicine because it isn't a "quick fix" it doesn't involve popping a pill that relieves the symptoms.

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