
Would it be bad to replace two things when i make cookie's?

by  |  earlier

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i need to replace castor sugar and butter, also, what could i replace them WITH?





    1 3/4 c. flour

    1 tsp. soda

    1 egg

    1/3 c. raisins

    1/2 tsp. salt

    1 tsp. cinnamon

    1 tbsp. Sweet N Low

    1/2 c. oil

    1 c. unsweetened applesauce

    1 c. All Bran or other unsweetened breakfast cereal

    Sift together flour, salt, cinnamon, soda and sweetener. Add flour mixture to oil, egg and applesauce. Fold in raisins and cereal. Bake at 350 degrees approximately 20 minutes. To vary add 1/3 cup cocoa powder to flour mixture.


    1/4 c. apple sauce

    1/2 c. non-fat yogurt

    1 tbsp. honey

    1 1/2 c. flour

    3 c. oatmeal

    3/4 c. water

    1 egg

    2 1/4 tsp. vanilla

    1 1/4 tsp. baking soda

    1 1/4 tsp. baking powder

    1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon

    1/2 tsp. nutmeg

    Mix dry ingredients, then add others. Stir well. Drop by rounded tablespoon onto greased cookie sheets. Bake approximately 12 to 15 minutes at 375 degrees

    hope these help.                good luck and enjoy.

  2. try these websites to see what you can swap out:

    they have charts of many different commonly used ingredients

  3. I suggest you search for cookie recipes that use Splenda.  There are plenty of them on the internet. Chemically Splenda is different than sugar and will not behave exactly like sugar in recipes.  I would try one or two of these recipes to develop a feel for how they work, then start experimenting with Splenda.  

    You can replace butter with hard margine (not the stuff that comes in a tub), or shortening, or lard.

    You can't just substitute applesauce for butter in a standard cookie recipe as you can in "some" muffin and cake recipes.  And, even in those recipes  there is often a small amount of oil.

    Note:  Just remembered...check out sites that have recipes for diabetics.  Hope this helps.

  4. The best thing about cooking is that its flexible so you ca use  substitutes for most ingredients but the substitutes must have similar properties.. you can use splenda instead of sugar but adjust the amount as splenda is sweeter than sugar. Regarding next best suggestion for a substitute is margarine. You can use fruit puree (eg applesauce) but as I have never tried it before I am not sure how it will turn out. I am also not sure how much butter equals how much fruit puree. My guess is just equal parts but I may be wrong.

  5. try pumpkin can all you do is buy the cookie mix and can pumkin and mix it in trust me it taste so good you even better i use to make cookies like this all the time the duble choclate chip is good or plane also their healthy and easy to make  

  6. white sugar and canola oil

  7. sugar and margarine if you have.


  8. For some recipes, they use golden syrup or maple syrup for sugar, of course the flavour is different. Apple sauce is often used as a substitute for castor sugar, not for butter, but it adds an apple or fruity flavour to the cookies. Splenda is quite good, they offer some cookie recipes on their website too, you may want to try.

    As for butter, you may replace it with margarine (unhydrogenated one) or canola oil or other vegetable oil. But it really depends on the recipes you are using, for recipes that use melted butter, liquid oil is fine, but for recipes that require you to beat sugar and softened butter to a creamy, fluffy mixture, use softened margarine, you cannot really use liquid oil, otherwise you are not going to get the ideal texture of cookies. (because you cannot add air into the oil-sugar mixture even if you beat really hard)  As for margarine, the flavour is still not as great as using butter.

    I had tried to replace castor sugar and butter too, but you know, though cookie recipes are already a lot more flexible than other desserts, still, using substitutes alters the flavours of the final products. They still taste good, but just not as good. I suppose this is the price of eating healthily. So eventually, I have decided to cut the sugar and butter content as much as I can, so long as it does not affect the batter too much.   :)))))))))))))))

  9. splenda and margarine? btw, i love mario!!!

  10. yeah

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