
Would it be beneficial to have a system like in the film Logans Run where peole have a decent life then ?

by Guest32740  |  earlier

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have to be put to sleep at a certain age ,or in Englands case all the feckless, seriously ill,homeless are people without pensions ..

Or do we need these people to create wealth for the consultants politicians and other parasites




  1. I can't see how it would be beneficial to society to have a system like in Logan's Run... if you remember correctly, that city is pretty much run off of the hormonal, sexual impulses of the society. A transporter that people can flip through to pick out their preferred sexual partner? Systematically killing people off when they reach a certain age? Where are the "elders" of the society, and how will that society progress if the people are, pretty much, kept in the dark intellectually, and live day-to-day based on an over-all sexual nature?

    Really. It's highly illogical.

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