
Would it be benificail to build a Highway for the Trucks that soon flood the U.S and maybe Canada?

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In my town it's called the "Trans Texas Corridor" and you can see the billboard here:

May your Evacuation be fast :)

another lousy picture:

vid - super highway:





  1. This country is going to Sh*T.  The politicians are selling it out to the corporations.   Pretty soon Americans will have to leave USA to find jobs like the way people from poorer countries used to do (and come here for).

    Oh wait, people are already retiring and having to find themselves unable to live on $10K or $20K per year (on social security).  So they are already having to be forced to live in Mexico and South America.  I'm talking about white middle American.

    As it was said in the movie "Better off dead"

    "   It's a d**n shame when people throw out perfectly good ol' white folks"


    Just kidding (or maybe not).

  2. This is all a bunch of hooey.  Like we don't have this already?  Ever heard of a land bridge?  It's where freight crosses by ocean, then is switched to land for a part of the journey, then back to the ocean.  Happens all the time.  Rather than cross the Panama Canal, which many new freighters can't do because they're too wide, they port in the Gulf, freight is transferred to rail, then transferred to another freighter on the west coast.  Because the container is never opened in the US, it's not subject to customs.  No different than what's been discussed here.  Inspections benefit the Mexicans as much as they do us, they'll be pretty vigilant about preserving their ports.

    As for the proposed 10 lane colossus, I welcome it.  We need more room for trucks on the highway, and creating channels for them to follow will ease congestion on interstates that pass through metro areas.

    The likelihood of this happening is pretty slim anyway.  There are some big hurdles to clear.  With billions in potential dollars at stake, you can bet every congressman within a thousand miles will want his slice of the pie...

  3. I do not think so.  Since the total number of goods arriving to USA is not increasing, hence the total number of trucks would remain same. The only difference is that instead of US owned trucks, now we would have trucks from Mexico..( I fear though they may not be as safe! and may also pollute more..)

  4. Absolutely NOT!   It's the superhighway planned by the NWO elitists to enable MORE Mexicans to come into America un-impeded and take over.

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