
Would it be better for everyone to home school?

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...I recently viewed an article on TV that said children are being put through too much stress these days. After thinking more about sensitive subjects I've come to realize that this could be true.

...With all of the school violence, differences in cultures, differences in religions and politicle views, health problems, and racial differences do you think it would be better just to home school?

...I never really put much thought into the topic but could see where a group of parents in a neighborhood could share responsibilities in educating the chlidren without schools.

...One parent could assume the responsibilities one day for 10 kids and they could rotate duties. It would allow people with similar beliefs to work with each other and also allow parents to be more involved with the education of their children.

...What benefits would exist in such situation and would their be any negative effects?




  1. i think we should not be homed schooled because parents dont have alot of experience on teaching, and they might not be smart enough.

  2. nope,children need to mingle with other children in order to build their social skills as when they grew up,they're gonna live with people and the should be able to cope with others.

  3. I don't think homechool is for eveyone. You see there are those parents that have no business reproducing in the first place and if they were to try and homeschool their kids then the world would have a bunch of people dumber than rocks. There can be benefits to homeschool, but only for those right for it.

  4. I taught school for six years before I chose to stay home with our baby.  While I loved teaching, I plan to homeschool our children one day.  

    I spent far too much time teaching my students about things that should be taught by parents.  For example, after weeks of kids coming to school dressed inappropriately for the weather, I finally realized that these kids didn't know how to dress by themselves and apparently some of the parents didn't care if their child was wearing short sleeves in forty degree weather.  So, every year I devoted lessons to wearing long sleeves and coats in the winter.  That's just one example of many.  And parents have the gall to say that teachers don't teach what's necessary.  How can we be expected to teach everything on the curriculum and make up for what they're not getting at home?  

    Anyway, when I was seven months pregnant and one of my BD students was throwing things at me, I thought, "You know, maybe I'll homeschool my own child."  Because my guy would probably (hopefully) be one of the well-behaved children who didn't get enough attention because the teacher had to devote extra time to kids with behavior issues.  

    While I support homeschooling, I don't think it's for everyone.  I met a seven year old at church recently who told me, "I'm homeschooled, but I don't learn anything.  I do all my work on the computer.  It's called V-tech."  That scares me.

  5. Homeschooling is more natural.  And safer.

  6. YES and they do get music, art, field trips and friends!!

    So many people think that they can't do it but they can.  

    Parenting is a huge responsibility -- hopefully more and more people will realize the trust that God has given to them.  They need to step up to reality and take care of the needs of their children; morally, spiritually, physically and mentally.  It's a big job!

  7. home schooling destroys the social make-up of any child and should not be tolerated.

    I knew that anyone disagreeing with homeschooling would get a bunch of negatives. Because the parents of homeschoolers think that they can do better than any (University Trained) teacher can. Most of homeschooled children given the choice would be in school, and not stay at home to feed their parent's id.

    I have never met a person with an ego as large as that of home-schooling parents.

    Just the fact that these nay sayers here are getting all these negatives proves the point. They are so wrapped up in home-schooling ideology that they vehemently disagree with us enough to waste their time and vote thumbs down here. I have never received this many, and I have been on the other side of the fence for more important issues than home-schooling.

    it is never fun for me to see that home-schooled child show-up for the first time for baseball, soccer, art, music, etc. because most of the other children don't even know who they are, and tend to avoid them.

    what a waste of your child's youth.

  8. Homeschool should be a case by case basis, but NOT to prevent children from having experiences and understanding differences and appreciating them. I homeschool, and I do it so that my Kids CAN experience things outside of a classroom of 30other kids exactly like them, learning EXACTLY the same things in EXACTLY the same ways.

    what you are describing is a homeschool co-op

  9. Which parent will set up the science labs, get all the equipment, and who is knowledeable to teach Life Science or Physics?  Who will have the computer labs?  Can someone teach World History, State History, and Civics?  Anyone can teach Band, right?   Who will supervise the after school programs?  You see where I am going with this.

    Parents can get involved in their child's education, but too many parents want to be helicopter parents.... hovering about 24/7.  With all of their warts, in public schools children learn to deal with stress. They learn to coexist with others of different races and religions... just like they will have to do in real life.  They learn that there are always choices to be made, and that Mommy cannot make all of them for them.  This is exactly why many 18 year olds spend one semester at college and then come home.

    While there are some benefits to home schooling, there are far more negatives.   The public schools near me are excellent and have won state and national awards. Most teachers have a masters degree .  I cannot imagine why any parent would prefer to home school  here and would think they could do a better job.

  10. There are some parents who shouldn't even have children let alone home school them. That being said, I think the best would be a combo of public and home schooling.

    Don't most good parents do some sort of home schooling even if it is unofficial and no grades are involved? I sure hope so.

  11. I agree with the answer that some parents should not even be parents.  For those who are parents, who care about their children, they can homeschool with better results than public school.

    I do not like the idea of co-op.  It would not work for our family.  My son does better with one on one attention.  This is the tuoring style teaching that we do in our home.  It works better for us to assume the responsiblity for our own child.  I care about other children, but not to the degree that I care about my own.

    There are many answers here about specialization as in art, music, foreign languages, etc.   Technology is here folks.   We can buy Rosetta Stone for language, we can use video lessons for art, we can use audio lessons for music, etc.   We don't have to wait on the class to catch up if we want to do 6 lessons at a time.  We don't have to pretend that we understand when it takes listening to same lesson 3 times for us to 'get it'.  

    Homeschooling is a progressive idea.  It is not an idea for those stuck in the 'classroom' mentality.  It is not an idea for people who think that socialization cannot exist without putting 30 kids in 30 chairs in a classroom with a teacher who graduated from college 20 years ago and is waiting 5 more years for retirement.

    I'm sorry, I'm not 'down' on public school but some of these answers are an insult to we who homeschool with wonderful results.  Our kids are social.  Our kids have great personalities.  Our kids learn in their own way, in their own time schedule.

  12. No, it wouldn't be better for everyone to homeschool. I think there are definitely parents out there who rely on public schools and private schools who would make great homeschooling parents. But there are a LOT of parents out there who aren't that great and aren't dedicated and the kids probably are benefited by not being around them all the time. Obviously abusive parents would be one example, but others with just seriously poor parenting skills really shouldn't homeschool UNLESS they are willing to learn and grow and change themselves.

    The type of situation you are suggesting would probably be do-able for interested families. Most families who homeschool enjoy the family time, though, and really being a part of their child's full education and not just here and there.

  13. I'm with you 100%. Schools nowadays are a disgrace. An absolute disgrace.

    And with all the different views and beliefs, schools nowadays don't cover anything in detail as it doesnt do for everybody. For example, instead is teaching children how Catholics do not believe in contraception as they feel it is againsts Gods will and in doing so you are betraying him, they learn "catholics, muslims, buddhas and christians are all good people and have different beliefs"

    Its a scandal. I personally find it disgusting.

    As long as the Government funded for the textbooks and equipment and necessary computers etc, I think the idea would be spectacular.

    Teachers as much as anyone are a disgrace this day and age. I'm only 21 but when I was at high school the male teachers were seeing the sexual attention of the female students, other teachers were marking up and marking down students essays depending on how much they favour them, teachers stealing equipment, and having affairs between themselves, bringing their personal lives into school, constantly moaning about wages, having numerous cover teachers in because of 'meetings' or 'days off sick' as well as the impatience and arrogance of some of them.

    I am embarrassed to be a human being if I am associated with such schools and people there.

    Its an outrage.

    I'm with you 100%.

    I'm giving you a star - very interesting topic!

  14. no because the children wouldn't learn the things they need to!!!!!!

  15. You get out of any educational system what you're willing to put into it.  There may be positives associated with homeschooling, but there are also negatives in terms of socialization and availability of academics.  I've had the pleasure of knowing some super smart, well adjusted homeschoolers and some who are just do nothing weirdos--pretty much the same with public school attendees.

    In my opinion, what is best for children is to have parents who are involved in their lives and willing to put forth the time, effort, moral direction, love, responsibility and everything else that a "good" parent should do.  Either homeschool, public, or private school would then provide a  satisfactory education to a well rounded individual.

  16. Absolutely not. There are a lot of parents who are just not smart enough to be teachers, and have to work a lot. That would be a huge failure.

  17. No.  One of the most important things you learn in school is how to socialize with all different kinds of people, and you can't get that with home schooling.

  18. Most parents simply aren't qualified to give a full education to children.  This is why switching over to only home schooling probably wouldn't work.

    "...differences in cultures, differences in religions and politicle views, health problems, and racial differences do you think it would be better just to home school?"

    Trying to avoid all conflict by "sticking their heads in the sand" really isn't a solution.  Being exposed to alternate ideas is a necessary component of personal growth.

    Edit:  An addendum for other posters commenting on the importance of parents being involved - you are VERY right.  The Colemann report even showed that parental involvement is one of the single most significant predictors for child success.  Orders of magnitude more important than, for instance, school funding.

  19. No

    Some kids actually do fantastically in Brick School, but it's usually only 10 - 20%

    It's worth it for them

    And traditional school does kinda prepare you for college.

    I wonder how many K-12 homeschoolers here got a little cultural shock when they entered college and the STRUCTURED classroom.

    ALSO the TOTAL FAILURE KIDS do better in Brick School because they are ROTED.

    Even if they close their ears and don't pay attention, some of it rubs off.

    That won't happen at home without a parent standing over you with a baseball bat forcing you to learn whether you like it or don't.

    So a SLACKER gets at least a 10% benefit from a brick school.

    The brick system would work a lot better if there were




    Except that's illegal to do in the real world.  At least in the US with the ACLU and Court system.

  20. No, some people are just not cut out to be teachers and this would pose an issue.  Also, if you didn't like something someone was doing, you're stuck because you are living near them.  Also, it could be a dangerous situation (not all adults are responsible or have good intentions).  Finally, homeschooling should be a choice individual families make (or a couple together), but I don't think that the rotation thing would work very well.  Schooling is about what is right for your family and ultimately your own, individual children.

  21. I am home schooled and I KNOW that I am not lacking in social skills at all. A lot of people have the impression that home schooled kids are lacking in social skills but thats just a MYTH. Do some research on the internet and you'll find out. It is actually the other way around usually. Home schooling DOES NOT affect a kid's social skills except for the better. Anyway, ask yourself the question: Do I want my kid to "socialize" with all the desensitized, violence prone, thugs,perverts etc. which plague schools these days? The "socialization" of schools today causes kids to like whatever is "hot". Unfortunately whats "hot" nowadays is sexuality, cheap gadgets, junk food, satanic games, violence, bullying etc..

    Another common misgiving is that parents cant teach. Thats yet another myth. You'll find that home schooled kids excel in universities worldwide, and are incredibly smart. For parents who cannot teach higher grades, there is always the Internet. Ask yourself: If home schooling produces "dumb" kids, then why is it one of the fastest growing schooling movements in North America?

    For a clearer view on this topic i would suggest you read books by John Taylor Gatto ( a former teacher), other people who have experienced it, and also do do some research about the "socialization myth". Also ask universities and you'll find that the home schooled students are the best behaved and best in their academic skills. Don't take my word for it. READ and RESEARCH. Also, why not meet some home schooled kids and their parents, instead of relying on the myths that societies of today believe in? Once you meet them you will believe in the power and goodness of home schooling.

  22. No they need music, art, field trips and friends!!

  23. I couldn't home school my children, I don't have the patients or the time, what about the parents who have a uni degree or work that they HAVE to do. Home schooling works for some families but for a lot it doesn't.

    The schools we have in Australia are a pick above the rest and there is a lot of programmes to stop bullying, obesity and generally teaching the kids socially acceptable behaviour. If every kid was home schooled there would be parents who wrought the system just to get extra funds and someone else to look after their kids while they visited the Pokies with their hard (not) earned cash.

    You can choose from public schooling or private if you have the money, private offers a lot of diversity and there is more equipment because they get tuition fees and the govt gives them funding. Public schools manage with what they get and they do the best they can, I think teachers need to put on a rewards system to keep an eye on performance, and their class curriculum and see what they are teaching our kids.

    Home schooling only works for a few handfuls of families, most of the time parents just don't have the knowledge, time, patients or know how to teach kids anything safe an interesting. Yes we pay these teachers out of our taxes so we should see what their performance is like in a class room, not ban schools all together.

  24. I think homeschooling has a lot of positives and only a few negatives. It would help keep you child from influences you would rather them not learn from but that also would not let them know good from bad in a way, unless you discuss all aspects openly with them. You might loose some socialization. But if I homeschooled my kid and my friends 2 and then my sisters 2, for example, we would have no problem with socialization. this is a very good idea.

  25. Not everyone has time to teach their children. Plus, not everyone knows enough about what they need to teach.

  26. Heavens no.

    I'm going to ignore all naysayers on here who have no clue what they are talking about in regards to homeschooling.

    However, homeschooling is not for everyone.   If you look on the parenting boards you'll see a lot of "My 6 year old is out of control - help"  "I can't control my 9 year old help"  

    I would hate to see what would happen if some of those parents tried to homeschool.  There are some that can't even deal with their 3 year olds let alone school age kids.

    My next door neighbour is a perfect example.   When her dd was 3 she had already lost control.   Now that she's 7 it's even worse and her 4 yr old is worse yet by far.   I would hate to see what would happen if she tried to homeschool.

    And they say the anti-social kids stay home.  LOL

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