
Would it be better for our country if gas was $10 per gallon or 10 cents pergallon and why?

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Would it be better for our country if gas was $10 per gallon or 10 cents pergallon and why?




  1. Both would be pretty bad for our country.  10 dollars a gallon could crash the economy and 10 cents a gallon could accelerate global warming and prevent new green technologies from cost effectively being implemented.  So basically where we are right now is actually pretty good if you care about the environment.  Since now we're talking about serious strategies to not only develop but implement green solutions to the world's energy demands.

  2. Either one would cause significant damage to the economy. $10 / gallon would bring the economy to a crashing halt (recession/depression), $0.10 / gallon would only be possible by the government subsidizing nearly the entire cost of oil, which would then be applied via increased taxes (someone has to pay for it) effectively crippling/destroying the middle class...

  3. $10 dollars per gallon would create real incentive to find alternatives to fuel our economy. In the long run, this would diminish the ability of most Arab nations to fund the stuff they're involved in. That's good! Oil would then be cheap and plentiful for those who would like to continue it's use.

    $.10 per gallon would destroy our oil industry. There would no longer be incentive to explore for more resources. The oil companies would then fold. Our economy, which is driven by oil, would collapse with them. This would then drive oil to historic rates creating incentives for alternative fuels that would diminish the ability of most Arab nations to fund the stuff they're involved in. That's good! Oil would then be cheap and plentiful for those who would like to continue it's use.

    Say, is this a trick question? All kidding aside, the markets aren't based on static numbers. The actual pricing automatically adjusts the markets on a daily basis to provide equilibrium for supply and demand. The truth is, the price will most likely never reach points where we get off of oil or use oil as though it's as plentiful as sand on the sea shore. This is the beauty of the commodities markets, the finest markets in the world due entirely to their liquidity. You can't fool around when there is actual cash on the line.

  4. i mean its a simple answer.  Who wants to pay $10 a gallon for gas as opposed to 10 cents?  A large part of our economy crisis is blamed on the oil crisis (people need to save money for gas, therefore they dont put as much into the rest of the economy - obviously the short version of that story cuz there are many other factors).  Im not sure where you are trying to go for this question

  5. It is estimated that it would be $12 per gallon without government subsidies (our tax dollars) being given to oil companies.  This artificial lowering of the price outside of the law of supply and demand is what has prevented the development of affordable clean and renewable energy.

    It needs to go to $10...but gradually.  If it hit $10 tomorrow, there would be blood in the streets.

  6. $10 cost per gallon would lower demand and use of gasoline and reduce atmospheric pollution. Increasing the cost of gasoline is a huge benefit in the long run for the environment, energy development,  and lowering our dependency.

    The cost to us is to sacrifice by using less, and working hard to find alternatives. A little suffering is good for the US.

    Raising the cost of fuel oil would motivate research for  competing technologies of energy alternatives which would benefit all energy industry including  transportation, heating, and electrical production.

    Changing to alternative energy will reduce our energy dependency on foreign sources. The US uses 20 million barrels per day, importing 12+ million barrels per day at $123 per barrel todays prices $1.5 billion dollars per day for imported oil.

    The problem for established industry is to prepare for change. We can't keep burning fossil fuel at an accelerating rate. Supply of oil  will decrease, while demand is increasing, raising the cost, which destabilize industry and the economy.

    We need free and clean energy, which science already knows how to do. We only need to make it happen.

  7. ten cents because the more expensive it is the more things we lose...

    like cheap groceries

    airplane firghts for fun


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