
Would it be better for our government to give everyone health insurance or?

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Produce more health care resources by increasing funding for medical schools and work to "flood the market" in health care services thus making it more affordable for everyone?




  1. Universal Health Care NOW!  This issue will never go away until we get it.  Never.    

  2. First of all, Doctors pay will have gov limits, so there will be less people wasting many years of their life to be a doctor.

    Second, where do you expect to get all this money?

    Third, gov wastes more money than any other entity on the planet.

  3. Here, in Québec, we have a card called "Carte Soleil". Whenever you need health care, you present it and everything goes smoothly, "free". I.E Emergency you break your leg and it's open, run to hospital, no fee AT ALL.

    Though, it is true that our emergencies are pretty full, and you might wait longer here than you would in a place you pay to be taken care of.

    In my modest opinion, our system is much more fair and efficient, though a half public and half private market would be the best. At the moment, it's only public health care, an option to be treated faster by paying a small amount could be helpful.

    Invest less in army, more in health.

    But this is just my humble opinion :)

  4. If Universal Health Care works for every other developed nation in the world I think it would work for the USA.  

  5. The government does what you want it to.  If YOU the electorate want it to provide universal healthcare, it will.  If YOU, the electorate do not want universal healthcare, it will not.  So stop blaming the government for doing what you tell it to.

    But, to answer your question, the USA spends more on healthcare PER PERSON than any other nation on the planet.  Despite that, it has one of the highest death rates for kids aged under five in the western world.

    Care in the UK is better than that in the USA.  Our death rates for kids do not lie, and nor do those of the USA.  Costs and death rates are lower in western countries with universal healthcare.  So, yes, it would be better for the government to make healthcare universal.

  6. Give health ins instead of welfare..  YES i'm in.    Force people to stay in school. or they get  zip.  

  7. The US will never have universial health care

    Until those who advocate it

    Start talking about what it would actualy cost

    And where the money would come from to pay for it.

    Thats something you never see them do.

  8. If you want health care so bad, why don't you pay for it instead of knocking on my door and making me pay for you? If health care is truly a priority to you, maybe you could sacrifice your cell phone, cable TV, internet connection or whatever luxury item you happen to use. IT'S NOT THE GOVERNMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO PAY FOR YOUR HEALTH CARE!!!!!!!!!  

  9. But will the quality of health services be as good with universal health insurance, and who is going to pay for all the health care goodies? Remember that the government get its money from us taxpayers.

  10. It'd be easier just to put in a single payer plan and be done with it now, there's already too many people just practicing medicine, getting ready to play in the big leagues.

  11. The government doen't produce anything - they consume.

    The people who dig trunips out of the ground, now they produce something!

  12. It is a proven fact that more doctors in a given area cause less patents per doctor so each doctor must raise prices to stay in business. Flooding the market does not work in this case.

  13. If everybody had health insurance the costs of medical care would be much, much lower. The US government spends more on health care than any other country in the world and the cost of healthcare to people is high, while more and more insurance providers are not even covering all the health problems Americans are facing. It is a farce and a joke. Every industrial country in the world besides us have basic human healthcare taken care of. Even China, India and Mexico are getting in the act, but it's somehow too hard for the world's richest country to adopt? Don't give me that c**p.

  14. First off, it's insurance and the companies that supply the doctors and hospitals with materials and equipment that are driving up prices. Second, when you give someone something, you are taking it from someone else. So by paying for everyone, including those that don't work for, or deserve it, you are taking from those that do. The governments best course of action is to prevent a monopoly, and price fixing, and let the free market decide on prices, both of health care and insurance. That is why we live in a capitalist country.

    Being a Dr. isn't a resource like controlling oil fields, or hoarding water. It's a skill that many can possess, and if the prices get to high, more will join the occupation until prices are driven down to reasonable price.  

  15. This system has already failed epic-ly with medicare and medicade.  Fraud is rampant, denial of service is rampant and people using the ER as a primary medical care center has created intolerable situations.

    In the UK more and more benefits are being slashed to the populace.

    In Canada and the rest of Europe wealthy people fly here for medical care.

    The problem with our system is that the government got involved in the first place and set up bureaucracies and paper work and standard payments for services.

    When there was only catastrophic care coverage you paid the doctor and you knew what the care was; co-pays and managed care systems have created a pay or play system.  You pay your $5.00 the doc gets $75. You get a prescription you pay $5 the pharmacy gets $200. You don't care because you aren't paying it. But some one is...

    You cannot have mandated health care for all and not have limits and restrictions on coverage. But under socialized health care everyone is denied coverage equally based on age or pre-existing conditions.

  16. Actually, increasing medical funds is actually killing the free market system. The government spends more on health more than any other country in the planet, yet, it's the worst health care because the government is increasing Medicare, and other government services, and people are becoming more dependent, and health care will increase thru taxes, and then they need to spend on medicine, etc.

    IF the government kept its nose out of health care, you would see doctors, or health insurances giving cheaper health care, and propping up the health care system without government intrusions, and the government won't tax you to sustain the useless government-sponsored medical insurances. It's that easy. Take care.

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