
Would it be better for the Glitter man to live in London as the North tends to be more redneck?

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More likely to be lynched up there ......




  1. I think it would be better for him to just F*ck 0ff. Can you believe how smug he looks? I his life will be a misery now wherever he is.


  2. I honestly think child s*x offenders should be castrated.

    They still lobotomise seriously disturbed people to stop them harming themselves and others. Castration in comparison isn't that extreme. Jeez, the Italians used to do it to young boys to maintain there squeaky singing voices (castrato).  

    Lop'em off.!!! Thats what I say.

    Edit:  I just read Summerhill's answer. Innocent??? The guy took his computer to pc world to have it fixed and they found child p**n images on it!!!!!!  He was CONVICTED of child s*x offences!!!! Doesn't sound very innocent to me!!!!  And, ok, lets say there Is something wrong with him, mentally.  Fix him then (see aforementioned castration), there are plenty, more invasive, procedures, given to the criminally unbalanced everyday.

    As I type this, I can hear a great 'woosh' as all the bleeding heart liberals of the world stand in unison and cry ." You cant do that! He's human too!!"


    So were the children.

  3. I suspect few will ever get close to him, he will become a recluse, social workers will do his shopping, when his travel restrictions are lifted he may vanish to a European country where nobody has heard of him, and he will wear a wig.

  4. what if he is innocent?is it a case of he is different  to us lets kill him?,why arn,t we looking at ways to cure him instead of hounding him from country to country?does he have a chemical imbalance ?,does news coverage of glitter sell newspapers?,at the end of the day he is human and we are pushing him towards who knows what,and that is not right.

  5. You shouldn't worry about him so much.

  6. I hope someone kills the b***** lopping off his goolies with a rusty potato peeler

  7. wouldn't it just be better for the glitter man to crawl in a hole & die???

  8. another fan of gary glitter the pedophile.  boy you people love giving pedophiles attention.   i am glad i dont live over there

  9. Well lets hope he moves up there and they all make his life a living h**l, go for it you guys up north dish out some real justice to the filthy scumbag paedophile.

  10. He should be lynched!

  11. tent on Hampstead Heath,so he can be with all the nonces!

  12. You are being just a teensy bit controversial I think Dave S!

  13. No send him to Southall - he can be stoned to death there - no worries - h**l, I'd even join in with a few rocks myself - would be worth the 80 mile drive down for that one

  14. Let the lunching begin. Actually maybe he should be dumped on some isolated island... without the internet or children within a 200 mile radius.  

  15. And more likely to be SHOT down here...

    Hmmm yes send him North. A bullet is too kind.

  16. Are you suggesting that people in London are more tolerant and culturally diverse, and that they are likely to be more accepting of someone who is "that way inclined"?

    Actually, he's three times more likely to be shot or stabbed in London. In the rural North all he'd have to worry about would be being trampled on by sheep and cows.

  17. Send him to South East London - guns and knives land and let him try his luck with some of them - the only annoying part being that they'd probably let him AND enjoy it!

  18. the fact is no other country wanted this evil ******* and yet we in Britain as usual allow scum and the dregs of the planet in . I would remind the public who think his movements will be known to police or  think the government will know where he is at any given time this same government who continually lose data, prisoners who go on the run , immigrants etc so how the h**l can they assure us the public they can make our kids secure because unless we are stupid we will not believe them.

    Why should kids in this country be subject to Glitter or his cronies.

    One other thing will the media give him publicity the News of the World and Sun Mirror etc must think about the safety of our children and not print anything about him.

    I wish I could get my hands on him he would never touch a child again.

  19. Anywhere in engerland is fine with me :)

  20. bring him to scotland, we'll crush the B@@@rd

  21. It ain't gonna matter where he lives,he'll get lynched where ever he goes,hopefully,he'll realise this n do everyone a favour n top himself.

  22. dirty dirty creepy old perv!!  He should not be in any town or region.  He needs locking up forever

  23. Mmm.. Are you really trying to say that his crimes are more acceptable in London?

  24. where did you hear that the north are redneck , you obviously haven't visited the north dave , he would be lynched anywhere hopefully  

  25. He is currently residing at Terminal 3 apparently.

    He loves his airports doesn't he?  He has been to quite a few in the last couple of days......

    Perhaps he has got into plane spotting?  He'll have a job finding an underage aircraft that's for sure although I believe one of those just went out of service in Spain.

  26. I live in Devon so London is the north.

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