
Would it be better to bring the British back to India, not to rule perhaps, but to run the country?

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The mess that we are in now have proven without doubt that we cannot manage ourselves.




  1. No.

    Don't think so.

    That will not be necessary.

    Look in the real world.

    They were successful in creating a united nation among all the common-wealth countries back in the past until it was lost with time.

    Genesis 11.1

    Blindly in throwing away the gifts of life that they had given back in the past with self lack of knowledge without being aware of it being expose in time.

    Luke 5.36-39

    How the Elders advance in time while the young ones were moving backwards in time.

    Genesis 11.6

    With the young one living in misery like cave-men from the twilight zone in different time zone at loss with the missing link in the generation gap being expose in time.

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    What do you think?

  2. Your precious land is so rich in natural resources---with proper management you could possess great prosperity----I do so wish good things for your precious people---and that you remain free.

  3. Have faith in India. You are the largest democracy in the world. There is great potential in India. I think one of the biggest obstacles in India is the caste system. It counteracts growth and advancement in India. If the Indian caste system could magically disappear, I think India would make huge advancements almost overnight.

  4. Yes. And bring the Portuguese, Danes, French, English , Germans, Spanish  back to Africa . What a mess letting Africans run their own Countries . Think how prosperous ,safe and beautiful a country SOuth Africa was and now ?

  5. Do u think Indians would allow that..Today India is not as same as how it was 100 years back..Indian economy is greater than Uk economy and it is still roaring.. The UK is cracking into recession..Its time UK think of getting help from India rather than the other way round..Wake seem to be 100 years back

  6. Yes ,because they are doing a really good job in England at the moment

  7. sure why not? Indians are running england now.

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